Hans Blix


Well-Known Member
I really don't know how much i trust this guy. He keeps opening his mouth when he should be doing his job. His latest comments were to say that these twelve chemical warhead shells were "not a smoking gun". WTF?

Who is he to judge what is or isn't a smoking gun. These were found in a late 90's bunker and have also been proven to not have been declared to the U.N. on any occasion. If this isn't a smoking gun then what is?
The more i hear this guy talk the more i sense a personal agenda.
I've wondered the same thing, he seems determined to take the Iraqi side on this, and not accuse them of anything. Of course, if I was in Iraq, I'd be a little hesitant to say much bad about Saddam either. Perhaps he's just biding his time til he's out for good?
He's already admitted, several times, that Iraq has already breached the treaty. Methinks he's a scumsucking, egotistical, media whore lawyer.
He's already admitted, several times, that Iraq has already breached the treaty. Methinks he's a scumsucking, egotistical, media whore lawyer.

me thinks that whoever went in there, could never do the job right according to all...
if he was more anti-iraq all anti-war peeps would be complaining, now he's being hesitant to draw final conclusions (which i can understand since i wouldn't want to piss off the authorities and all of the sudden 'disappear' over there) and a lot of pro-war peeps are pissing on him.

admit, either way, he'd get fucked around anyway.