Happy 2 year anniversary OTC


Screwing with the code...
Staff member

I would like to thank you all for making the site what it is.

Beers are on the house today.
[Python]I should like to register a complaint...[/Python]

Seriously, this site is frequently the best part of a humdrum existence. Keep up the good work. :D
Happy Birthday OTC!!!
Happy birthday OTC! I wouldn't be the post whore I am without you (and kiddie korner of course) ;)

I would hereby like to thank Sammy for all he's done for/with/on OTC...we wouldn't be here without him :worship:

*humps sammy*
Leslie said:
I would hereby like to thank Sammy for all he's done for/with/on OTC...we wouldn't be here without him :worship:

*humps sammy*

Ditto :D

Erm, cept the humpin.......no offence, but yer not me type Sam ;)

Happy B'day OTC!!!!! :drink: :lloyd: :drink: :lloyd: :nerd:
Thank you all for keeping me sane. Or was it insane? I forget. No matter, let's all keep on rocking! :headbang:
Leslie said:
I would hereby like to thank Sammy for all he's done for/with/on OTC...we wouldn't be here without him :worship:

*humps sammy*

Although I haven't seen fury around in a while ,I'd like to add his work to the worshipping as well as Sammy's contributions . :beardbng:
nope prof no sarcasm, compared to alot of other sites our size we are pretty stable most of the time. :)