Happy Anniversary paul_valaru!!!

tonksy said:
unfortunately in my experiences, honesty has nothing to do with marriage and i think that we are happy with our sinful living arrangements. :D
what did you two do to celebrate?

We didn't do much to celebrate. Paul had to work late, only got home close to 9pm. he's working late again tonight! How fun!
Professur said:
Well, there was this morning. Don't tell me you didn't take advantage.

i'm not a morning person, especially on a weekday morning when i have to get up to go to work, and he doesn't want to be bothered in the morning when he can still get a few minutes more of sleep in.
*groan* Oh the Humanity of it.

The missus and I were very much morning people BC. Wake up fresh, rested, and before the morning shower. And it gave the room a chance to air out during the day.
Professur said:
*groan* Oh the Humanity of it.

The missus and I were very much morning people BC. Wake up fresh, rested, and before the morning shower. And it gave the room a chance to air out during the day.

weekends are a different story, but it's hard enough to get out of bed in the morning as it is.
Uki Chick said:
weekends are a different story, but it's hard enough to get out of bed in the morning as it is.

*makes a note to take a few pair of earplugs before she leaves work tomorrow (YAY TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY!!) for herself, Chris, Rob and Tonks for Labour Day weekend* :brush:
Nixy said:
*makes a note to take a few pair of earplugs before she leaves work tomorrow (YAY TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY!!) for herself, Chris, Rob and Tonks for Labour Day weekend* :brush:
i work tomorrow and then we leave saturday to drop the girls off. then we leave sunday for montreal via fairfax, virginia (doing some family visiting)! we should land on the valaru's doorstep on tuesday late afternoon! :swing:
Nixy said:
*makes a note to take a few pair of earplugs before she leaves work tomorrow (YAY TOMORROW IS MY LAST DAY!!) for herself, Chris, Rob and Tonks for Labour Day weekend* :brush:

*makes a note to set up the hidden webcams