Happy Birthday fury

*feels like a proud momma bird*

Take a take care of you day fluffy :kiss:

*humps fury*
Okay, flurffy had best come by and say Hi to us! ;)

Happy Birthday, fury! May 19 be good to you. :D
Woohoo!!! Only 2 years to go to the universally legal drinking age!!

And everyone needs these kinds of goals to strive for ;)

Happy B-Day, Master of Hump!
Hey Cammy...he could always come here and get smashed legally> :)

Happy Birthday fury!!
Many happy returns!
One advantage to a divorced family is you get two birthday cakes. :beerbang:

For one of the cakes, there were no candles left except the number 7, so I recelebrated my 7th birthday (who says you can only turn 7 once?)

Dang. I only have one year of being a teenager left. Next year I'll be at that awkward age of 20 where you can't get away with teenager behavior anymore, but still can't legally drink. :mope:

Thanks all,
Your favorite old geyser, Dennis.
Thats why I thank the lord that i'm british! lol, Alcohol, cause of and solution to all of lifes problems! Happy birthday mate.