Happy Birthday fury!

rrfield said:
I missed my own cousin's birthday, what a stooge am I? Oh well, it's a little hard to keep track of 40 cousins.

The little kid I used to trap in card board boxes is 20 now...and he can probably kick my ass. I better not bring that up in Canada this year...I'll buy you a beer in Rice Lake (or a sweedish waitress, your choice), deal?? :toast:

what bar on Rice Lake?
You go past Rice Lake? :eek6:

Maybe rrfield can explain the route better than fluffy can...cause I'm confused :confuse3:
Rice Lake, Wisconsin. There's an awesome resturant there called the Norskie Nook with sweedish waitresses. Plenty of bars in the town, it is Wisconsin after all.

Our final destination is "No Name Lake", north of Ignace, Ontario. 24 hour drive from the Indianapolis area if you do it on one shot, but we travel with a bunch of old farts who can't handle it ;)

The route is roughly Indianapolis, IN to Duluth, MN on day one via Madison, WI, then Duluth to the lake on day 2 via Thunder Bay, ON.
rrfield said:
Rice Lake, Wisconsin. There's an awesome resturant there called the Norskie Nook with sweedish waitresses. Plenty of bars in the town, it is Wisconsin after all.

Our final destination is "No Name Lake", north of Ignace, Ontario. 24 hour drive from the Indianapolis area if you do it on one shot, but we travel with a bunch of old farts who can't handle it ;)

The route is roughly Indianapolis, IN to Duluth, MN on day one via Madison, WI, then Duluth to the lake on day 2 via Thunder Bay, ON.
Oh ok we have a Rice Lake in Ontario aswell :D
I bet you take I39 to avoid the whole Chicago mess altogether. A little detour from that and guts for paying tolls at 60 mph while dodging traffic and you could pick me up along the way! I could meet you at the O'Hare Oasis, all I have to do is climb the fence. Otherwise, I could get a ride to Rockford, and arrange... ah, screw it, I hate Wisconsin anyways.