Happy Birthday Gato!

Happy Birthday!!! :hbd:
any hope at all of cake?

*performs the traditional celebratory table dance* ;)
Happy Birthday, Gato. Sorry you have to spend it away from home.

P.S. I note that you seem to be catching up. :p
*makes a sand castle in the form of a birthday cake

happy birthday and hurry back to where the grass is greener :hug:
Happy Birthday!!!

*toast* Here's to keeping the sandstorms at your back, and the desert critters out of your shoes!
You know, if I remember right, Roger Clemens is the same age as you. He's still tossing the ball pretty well down in Houston, so, as they say... you're only as old as the woman you feel. :D
I didn't miss this one. I've been busy the last couple days. Thanks for the towel Ku'u. Kinda small, though. Was that intentional? ;)