Happy Birthday Gonz!!


New Member
Here's to a great guy! *cough closet democrat cough* :D

Here, have a beer :D

(it is not tomorrow yet here, but anyways)

Happy birthday man :headbang: :beerbang:
Camelyn said:
Here's to a great guy! *cough closet democrat cough* :D

Here, have a beer :D


Ditto - What she said...Happy Brithday Gonz!!!!
(wonder if she can hold 2 beers there for ya Gonz)
Birthday? Again? Didn't we just do this?

Thanks...anybody know where I can get a deal on a good used rocker :D

Mare said:
wonder if she can hold 2 beers there for ya Gonz

I wonder if she would hold me in there??? *panting*
Happy Girthday Bonz! :D

Have a good 'un!

And if yer lookin' for an old rocker.......i hear the members of Queensryche are goin' pretty cheap.......
Oz- that av of yours is disturbing... is that cock bleeding all over the machine? :alienhuh:

Happy b'day gonz! *resists making jokes about old farts*
BeardofPants said:
Oz- that av of yours is disturbing... is that cock bleeding all over the machine? :alienhuh:

Damn, I never noticed the bloody bits!

Ach well, new avvy tomorrow :lloyd:
hmmmm gonz even dracula gave up on celebrating birthdays....:) J/K Have a great one.
BeardofPants said:
Oz- that av of yours is disturbing... is that cock bleeding all over the machine? :alienhuh:

Happy b'day gonz! *resists making jokes about old farts*

you dont watch family guy? I lvoed that episode!!

Run ET RUN!!!