Happy Birthday Greenfreak!

Freaky GreenDay, Trish!!
Thanks everyone! My Mom had a party for me and my neice Tory, who turned 7 last week, everyone was there, it was pretty cool. I'm on vacation so I'm lounging around until an appointment I have in two hours, then nothing for the rest of the day. Tomorrow is shopping with Mom for a wedding dress and Wednesday my sister is taking me out to lunch.

And yes, I've had gray hair for years, since my teens. Not that many though. And no curly grays yet if you know what I mean. :D

I'm only 33, after all.
greenfreak said:
And yes, I've had gray hair for years, since my teens. Not that many though. And no curly grays yet if you know what I mean. :D

I'm only 33, after all.

They'll come. *sigh* They always come.

My daughter amused herself on the weekend counting the grey hairs on my arms.