happy birthday sam

Sam gets to be older than me for another month, nanny nanny boo boo. :lloyd:

Well Sam, look at it this way...
You're not getting older, you're...um....geeetin...OK you are getting older, :lol2:
but you are probably getting richer. :D
On & on & on they go, until they stop. That will suck more than another one.

Thanks for the well wishes, Well i went out goose hunting this morning so i could help les out. Had a holloween/ birthday party lastnight, lots of people and beer!!!

And cat your right i am gettin older.. the richer hasnt reared its head yet.
samcurry said:
Thanks for the well wishes, Well i went out goose hunting this morning so i could help les out. Had a holloween/ birthday party lastnight, lots of people and beer!!!

And cat your right i am gettin older.. the richer hasnt reared its head yet.

So how did les respond to her goose...better yet...why'd your wife let you goose another woman? :hbd:, you ancient crotchety, curmudgeon, you. *party* *party2*
samcurry said:
Thanks for the well wishes, Well i went out goose hunting this morning so i could help les out. Had a holloween/ birthday party lastnight, lots of people and beer!!!

And cat your right i am gettin older.. the richer hasnt reared its head yet.
*sniff* Even as he approaches old farthood, he has nothing but altruistic motivation. *sob*

Happy Birthday. I salute you.