Happy Birthday SouthernN'Proud!

Birthday? Birthday? Oh yeah, I used to have those. Now I have anniversaries of my last birthday (39). I'm the same age Jack Benny was when he died. :D

Happy birthday, don't do anything you'll regret.
Why thank you all very kindly. I'm managing to make survive the day thus far with my usual aplomb and total disdain. Guess that's a good sign. :D

Sadly, still can't :drink: doctor's orders. Man, what I would do for a few frosty Rolling Rocks...but I'll survive. Nice quiet evening at home with the missus planned. Get the fireplace going, put on some "mood music" (for whatever reason, Skid Row seems to work for her...), and let nature and gravity take their courses! :banana:

Thanks for the well wishes y'all.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Nice quiet evening at home with the missus planned. Get the fireplace going, put on some "mood music" (for whatever reason, Skid Row seems to work for her...), and let nature and gravity take their courses! :banana:

Skid Row... a lady of taste. :headbng2:

Nowt like a Glammy track to invoke... em... moisture! :blush:
MrBishop said:
Have a good'n!

what's with the booze-restrictions? Is your Doc a prohibitionist wannabe? :drink:

Nah. I got some pretty serious stuff going on internally right now, and any alcohol at all will send me to the hospital for a pleasant 4 day-3 night stay devoid of any food or liquid (water included) and possibly emergency surgery. Been that way for over 8 months now. I'm scheduled for surgery Dec 10. If that goes well, I might be allowed a beer or three by Spring.

And my doc is probably a bigger lush than I ever was. :devious:
Lol Happy Birtrhday Dude!!!!!!!

Your presents on the way, same thing I got you last year, in fact you should have it by now, enjoy.
