Happy Father's Day

MrBishop said:
My father is luckily still with us, and helps MrsBish and I by sitting for him a few days per week while we work. To see him with my son is an instant trigger for all the memories that I have of him when I was a little boy. The games of hide-and-seek, tag, digging up the garden etc..as well as the overwhelming sence of patience and peace that I get from him. I hope that I've inherited his peaceful persevearance and dedication to family above all else. I can think of no greater gift that I could pass onto my son, than that which my father lovingly passed onto me..

I love seeing my kids with my father too. They way he interacts with them is sooooooo heartwarming :love:
Jan. 23, 2001...the day my whole life changed forever, the day I lost the man who helped fuel my curiosity and desire for learning from a young age. He always let me follow him around and "help him work" from the time I was a little tiny thing probably no more than a year old. The man who read me a story everynight before bed, and when my brother was born used to bring my brother into my bed for the story too and then put him back in his crib afterwards, the man who taught me to say the alphabet backwards, the man who taught me through his life and death that you only live once and there might not be a tomorrow so while ensuring a good future make sure you live for today.

I love you Dad

God looked around his Garden
and saw an empty place
He then looked down upon the earth
and saw your tired face.
He knew you were suffering
He knew you were in pain
He also knew in Heaven
You would never hurt again.
So, he put his arms around you
and lifted you to rest.
God's Garden must be beautiful
He only takes the best.
He knew the Roads were getting rough
and the hills harder to climb
So, he closed your weary eyelids
And whispered "Peace be Thine".
It broke our hearts to lose you
But, you didn't go alone
For part of us went with you
the day God called you home.
If tears could build a staircase
and memories a lane
We'd walk all the way to Heaven
to bring you home again.

~Author Unknown