Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


I sincerely hope everyone has a safe and Happy Holiday. Best wishes and thoughts to all of you....

Especially SnP and family!

Oh and let us not forget all the troops in Iraq and eslewhere. Whether we agree with why they are there or not, we should all wish them well and as happy and safe of a holiday as possible and keep them in our thoughts and prayers as well.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone. Here's to our troops serving all over the world --- you are doing the job. :)

SN'P ---- behave yourself and make up for missing today a bit later.

On a personal note, MrTRL and I have successfully survived the first 24 hours of the 3 1/2 yo grandson --- so, things are looking good for the weekend. LOL
yay! happy thanksgiving! there is always something to be thankful for; may everyone be able to find it -- not just today, but every day.
yay! happy thanksgiving! there is always something to be thankful for; may everyone be able to find it -- not just today, but every day.

Being alive and healthy does it for me. However, just being alive alone would do it.