Happy Turkey-Day - (Canadians)


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving and have a greaat 3-day weekend! See y'all on Tuesday!

What is the story behind Canadian Thanksgiving? ...and why is it not based upon sauteed elk instead of plain ol' bird?
unclehobart said:
and why is it not based upon sauteed elk instead of plain ol' bird?

wild turkey are a dime a dozen around here...they're everywhere, and I imagine there were a lot more 400 years ago.
Leslie said:
wild turkey are a dime a dozen around here...they're everywhere, and I imagine there were a lot more 400 years ago.

Is that why you couldn't wait until November like the rest of us? :lloyd:
Turkey day? Then it's true.............there is no Sanity Clause :crying4:

Have a goodun' dudes and dudettes :)
i usually like thanksgiving, if i have enough time to get everything done. we cook big thanksgivings in this family. turkey (usually one baked and one deep-fried), cranberry sauce, corn bread dressing, rice dressing, giblet gravy, 2 kinds of green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and pecans, a cheese and pasta casserole thing, rolls, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie...i'm forgetting something....it's usually a big thing, but the last year or two we've been keeping it smaller.
tonks said:
i usually like thanksgiving, if i have enough time to get everything done. we cook big thanksgivings in this family. turkey (usually one baked and one deep-fried), cranberry sauce, corn bread dressing, rice dressing, giblet gravy, 2 kinds of green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole with brown sugar and pecans, a cheese and pasta casserole thing, rolls, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie...i'm forgetting something....it's usually a big thing, but the last year or two we've been keeping it smaller.


*rumble in the tum*
tonks said:
well, head on over...by the time you arrived, it'd be just about turkey time! i'll save you a drum stick.

I'll just saddle up the old warthog.........be right there :)
tonks said:
i'll bust out the deodorant...tell the old ladies i said hi!

Will do :)

The warthog looks a lil' strange with the perm.........and I'm really not sure about the blonde highlights :eh:
Oz said:
Will do :)

The warthog looks a lil' strange with the perm.........and I'm really not sure about the blonde highlights :eh:
aye, looks like a bar tramp, real last call kinda gal...but what are you going to tell a warthog?
tonks said:
aye, looks like a bar tramp, real last call kinda gal...but what are you going to tell a warthog?

Same as I've told all the other warthogs............."of course I'll respect you in the morning" :blush: :D