Happy United Nations Day!!!

Gato: the same is happening right now, the UN is losing the credibility just like the Nations Society lost theirs when Germany withdrawed and with the Italy preparing a war campaign against Etiopia.

Ards: The common decisions made by a group of nations might be wiser than those made just by one country, that's the comparasion i'm doing.
The UN lost it's credibility 30 years ago, Luis, when it first started to try controlling individual nations, and spewing anti-democracy rhetoric. I admit that the US had something to do with that, as this was during the Vietnam war era, but the continuation of this attitude has turned the UN into a bunch of squawking idiots who have no firm basis as to what the actual people want. It's all about them. Left alone, most people will cooperate until somebody decides to be a leader. The best way to lead is to divide. It's now us vs them, and the leader is now firmly in control. It's no longer the will of the people, as they've consigned themselves to a secondary position. From this comes hate, anger, racial strife, and yes, ladies, sexism. Anything different is now wrong, and the attitude of the UN is that nobody is right except them. The best thing for the entire world to do is to get rid of all of our respective governments and start from scratch after 40 years of no leaders, no borders. After that time, we'll either be a much more peaceful species or we'll be totally wiped out.