Here's a thought: Let's see what he does and then decide whether it was a good choice or not.
Kneejerking asshats...

You are asking too much of certain members of this site.

Here's a thought: Let's see what he does and then decide whether it was a good choice or not.
Kneejerking asshats...
not my fault if the chicago public school system didnt teach you to read anything besides teleprompters mr president
Not that you ever even approached making a point with your "welfare is related to whether actors make good politicians" claim.
Ummmmmm, I just got here. Will you point out where that was said?
And what is the obsession with welfare?
Seems to me he said an individual's opinion of whether an actor makes a good politician or not can be based on the distinction of whether that person who is making that opinion writes the welfare check or signs it.