Have you ever been in a real life high speed chase?


I have been in two. I never got a license til I was 20 so when I did I had a lot of being 16 still to do. I lived in the same small town I live in now. My first car was an 18 foot long 1973 Monte Carlo with a 350 and a four barrel and that sucker moved pretty good...I am pretty sure it had a non stock cam as well. So it follows that I developed a tendency to get on it a bit.

So anyway one night my friends and I are out partying....Namely frying balls on a bunch of good acid....Don't know if most of you all have experienced LSD or not but if not just understand it's a very profound experience....

Well the small town cops in this town had this habbit of deciding they were going to pick on one of us, and that night it was my good friend Aaron, and they took him away to jail.....We were pretty bummed but we were trippin all night so we went and picked up my girlfriend from work.

We were driving past a place called "Penny Saver" (the place with the cheap beer) and the cops were there along with 3 or 4 carloads of dreaded jocks.

Well my friend Mel yells out the window "fucking cops" but predictably the 3 or 4 carloads of jocks heard "fucking jocks", and they immediately dispatch to give chase.

Now I am in my 3rd week of driving, and my second of car ownership, me and Mel are frying balls...I mean we are fuckered up BAD. The two women in the car were my friend Shirley and my girlfriend and Shirley I think was frying but my girlfriend was just drunk.....Anyway...we are all like "what the fuck do we do now?" and I am all punching it to get away but these jocks are hammered and they are getting sideways in front of us and opening doors....

This goes on and escalates...And believe you me I am freaking.....Thanking God I had filled up that night....We are hittting 100+ miles an hour through Port Townsend....Which is no mean feat....And we are PRAYING the cops will come along and bust the little party up.

I am driving in ever widening circles on roads I don't know well at very high speeds...Occasionally tearing across lawns as we cut corners....My car is by far faster than any in the chase but I am the least experienced driver...At one or two points I nearly lost it completely. We kept our strategy of looking for the cops but we never seemed to find them...this went on for nearly an hour (felt like 3 hours).

Eventually going up a hill I didn't know enough to gear down the auto tranny and the lead car (a Toyota Celica we later found out was borrowed from dude's girlfriends father) gets alongside us on the right....So not knowing what else to do I veer right and total his car (totalled as in it cost too much to be worth fixing but it was still after us). I ended up with one unsightly crumpled fender but little serious damage.

Anyway finally the cop catches the two remaining cars that are chasing us and pulls them over, and we just proceed about 4 blocks home, and I immediately call the police, so I can give our side of the story. They didn't even give me a warning.

Well of course another week later I am in a high speed chase in Seattle cuz this dude with me is selling crack and he burned some people....But that's another story....

Thats how I learned to drive though....
Just one, but it wasn't funny, I wasn't driving and the police was the one chasing us.
Luis G said:
Just one, but it wasn't funny, I wasn't driving and the police was the one chasing us.

Now that you Mention it I now recall being in four. The first was in a Caddillac and I wasn't driving and we so quickly lost the cops I'd forgotton about it. The fourth was on a Ymaha Maxim 750 and agian it was the same thing, I lost the cops so easily I forgot about it. Caddilacs and Bikes ore both VERY fast.
did similar things in my youth. saw the cop pulling out of his hiding place and took off, made a few quick turns and lost them. never been in a full fledged chase. wouldn't last long anyway...too much traffic...
My buddy discovered his truck had been stolen ,he reported it to police and since it was 1am,I gave him a ride home.Driving passed the local Tim Horton's saw several cops on break,and made appropriate comments.About a block later we were driving passed the mall when we see his truck and a group of teenagers .We pulled in and my friends brother gets out to use the payphone to call the cops ,when the truck drives off .I floor it and went after the truck,the thieves hadn't realized they were being followed until they stopped at a STOP sign just over the crest of a hill and I came flying over the hill locked my brakes and slid the nose of my RX7 under the rear bumper of the truck.They turn their heads and realize that we are going to f@ck them up if we catch them so they take off.We chased them,running red lights and stop signs,the truck blows the engine and after about a kilometre of smoking they bail as the truck rolls down a hill.I slam my car to a stop and run and jump into the truck apply the brakes put it in park. They two thieves ran in opposite directions and my buddy wasn't able to catch either.We left the truck and drove my injured car back to Tim Horton's where we informed the cops of what had just happened.They had gotten the call from my frined Bro and one of the cop cars had been out looking for the bastiches.Took the cops back to the truck ,they called the dogs in but weren't able to track them.Cop said "too bad cause the dog would have liked to have chewed on them" i said " If we would have caught them so would I".

Probably was the stupidist thing I've ever done ,risking my own life and anyone who may have been going through the intersections when we were running red lights,but the adrenaline rush was something I will always remember.I also understand better the behaviour of the cops when they pull some criminal out of a car and give him a kick or wait a couple extra seconds before pulling off the dog..
Spot said:
did similar things in my youth. saw the cop pulling out of his hiding place and took off, made a few quick turns and lost them. never been in a full fledged chase. wouldn't last long anyway...too much traffic...

Yeah my other two were just like that...Saw lights punched it hit a turn....Gone....Not much of an actual chase but a quick ditch job. Still it's a big rush on a motorcyle.
Luis G said:
Just one, but it wasn't funny, I wasn't driving and the police was the one chasing us.

I bet its a lot less funny to have the Mexican police after you than to have the WSP after you (Washington State Patrol).
Never ran from the cops (radio beats performance every time) but I've avoided a few ass kickings. (hell yea I ran, think I'm stupid?)
Gonz said:
Never ran from the cops (radio beats performance every time) but I've avoided a few ass kickings. (hell yea I ran, think I'm stupid?)

The ass kicking is what we were running from in the original story.....Somehow scary things are even scarier whist frying on acid.
markjs said:
.Saw lights punched it hit a turn....Gone.....

the last time i ditched a cop it was unintentional. snow had fallen and the roads had a light covering. i was going about the speed limit (35-40) when i passed a cemetary. i saw a cop suddenly pull out after i had passed. he hit the gas and was fishtailing all over the place. i just kept chugging along in my Subaru. he gave up quick. :)
Gonz said:
Never ran from the cops (radio beats performance every time) but I've avoided a few ass kickings. (hell yea I ran, think I'm stupid?)
Second rule of self defence... if there's an escape route take it. Only stand and fight if there's no way out, then put them down as fast as possible and make sure they stay down, none of this pulling your punches crap. :D
Y'know, Mark. Most people are smart enough to not be proud of that kind of behaviour. Fried on acid and behind the wheel. and you're making like your the hero?:rolleyes:
Nope, never been involved in a high speed chase......although when I was a kid I thought The Dukes of Hazard was great. :)

This wasn't a chase, but once I crested a hill in eastern AZ at around 130 mph on the bike and met a cop going the other way. I saw the lights come on, and then go back off. I don't think he even turned around. Kept a sharp eye out for his buddies though. If he'd have turned, I think I would have stopped. Like Gonz says...
Professur said:
Y'know, Mark. Most people are smart enough to not be proud of that kind of behaviour. Fried on acid and behind the wheel. and you're making like your the hero?:rolleyes:

Professur said:
Y'know, Mark. Most people are smart enough to not be proud of that kind of behaviour. Fried on acid and behind the wheel. and you're making like your the hero?:rolleyes:

Firstly did I ever mention pride?.....No don't believe I did.....Secondly I pulled it off and got out of it with nobody getting hurt.....Thats hero enough for me.