Have you ever been in a real life high speed chase?

been in one, my ex girlfriend was driving, we got cut off by some jock type storiod rage people in a civic

she flipped them the finger, and cut them off in return, we are sitting at a red light, they pull up behind us and get out of the car....we took off like a bat out of hell, turning up side streets, running signs, and lights, in the end we got ahead of them, pulled into a driveway, and killed the engine, they drove right by.

I never give the fingure in the car anymore
Just one time, but for a good cause.

I witnessed a hit-and-run on a bike. (A car hit/mashed the rear tire of a bike being ridden by a 12 year old local kid, and knocked him to the sidewallk)...the car took off, and instead of turning into my driveway, I took off after him. It took 4 blocks for me to catch up to him (LeSabre vs. Honda Civic) , but I stopped right after I got his plate number. Stopped, called the cops on my cel-phone and gave them the information. I wasn't about to continue the chase, especially considering how many kids live in my area, but I'm glad to say that the guy got stopped about 20 mins later and arrested for it.

The kid on the bike had a few bruises was was otherwise OK.
Isn't it illegal for a 12 year old to ride a bike (as in motorcycle)?
Aunty Em said:
I think he means bike as in bicycle Luis. :)


It was one of those mountain bikes, until the guy hit it...after that, it kinda looked like a pretzel with reflectors.
markjs said:
I bet its a lot less funny to have the Mexican police after you than to have the WSP after you (Washington State Patrol).

Yeah, is not funny nor safe at all.