have you ever ...?

i don't get what you mean, but i suppose i have eaten in a restaurant by myself :confuse3:
Luis, Not anything like McDonalds .. the simple and fast foods. I think she is referring to going out to something like a dinner in a place with full service, menus, waiters, gratuities...

Yes I have ... only a few times.. usually business related.
I actually don't think I have. Of course, I don't drive and there aren't any restraunts within walking distance (I would say biking distance, but for me biking distance is 65 miles)
unclehobart said:
I think she is referring to going out to something like a dinner in a place with full service, menus, waiters, gratuities...

thanks unc.
Yes i have, many times.
I've never eaten by myself, except in a coffeeshop/bookstore where I was there primarily to read, not dine.

I did go to the movies by myself once to see Forrest Gump because none of my friends wanted to see it. After crying nonstop for the last few minutes of the movie (after Jenny dies), I decided never to do that again. :D
greenfreak said:
I've never eaten by myself, except in a coffeeshop/bookstore where I was there primarily to read, not dine.

I know I've eaten by myself plenty of times, but I can't recall the most upscale place... Probably nothing more upscale than one of the nicer sort of sandwich shops.

I did go to the movies by myself once to see Forrest Gump because none of my friends wanted to see it. After crying nonstop for the last few minutes of the movie (after Jenny dies), I decided never to do that again. :D

I saw Cat People by myself. That was a surreal experience. I also saw Desperately Seeking Susan alone. I think those are the only two, and it's been that long.
Not that often. A couple times when I was on a mission to go back and get a waitresses phone#. A couple other times out of necessity but I'll usually eat at the bar in that case.

Never went to a movie by myself.
I've done many things by myself. Once i stayed alone for a week in another city.
never went to a nice sit-down place to eat alone. have ordered takeout from some nice places.
I lived alone for over a year, I ate out a few times in nice places. Not for the first six months, but after that it just kinda got to me, so I'd just go. It is strange the way people look at you sitting alone in a nice place.
Nope. I'd feel weird sitting alone. Ditto for the movie thing. I need someone to turn to when I'm in need of making a comment or something.
yep, many times
...and I wouldn't have a problem going to the movies by myself, other than the fact that I don't like going to the movies.
I've eaten on many restaurants at business trips. I once got a free birthday ticket for a restaurant I used to go with friends. They do that so that you take your friends with you, even if you don't pay they will. That's a form of encouragement to do birthday celebrations there. Well in 1996 I wasn't able to convince anyone to go with me, so I went alone. They never mailed me another ticket anymore :joy:
I spent almost my whole life in loneliness. Even when I was dating someone unexplainable(rw?) things would happen and I'd find myself instantly alone :( . So I've got used to do things by myself, dinners, movies, trips(a week or so). Right now I'm wondering who I will take to see "Two Towers" with me. I'm probably going to watch it alone in the end... :(
AlladinSane said:
I've eaten on many restaurants at business trips. I once got a free birthday ticket for a restaurant I used to go with friends. They do that so that you take your friends with you, even if you don't pay they will. That's a form of encouragement to do birthday celebrations there. Well in 1996 I wasn't able to convince anyone to go with me, so I went alone. They never mailed me another ticket anymore :joy:
I spent almost my whole life in loneliness. Even when I was dating someone unexplainable(rw?) things would happen and I'd find myself instantly alone :( . So I've got used to do things by myself, dinners, movies, trips(a week or so). Right now I'm wondering who I will take to see "Two Towers" with me. I'm probably going to watch it alone in the end... :(

I'll come with you!

i have...

little background: during the dot-com boom i was paid loads of money...

so, i was generally too lazy to cook, so eating out seemed like the best plan. there's a lot of nice places in the middle of london, and it's not always possible to find someone to go with at the last moment. so i'd go alone. no biggie. course it's nicer to take someone with you (my roommate did *so* well out of me!) but i didn't notice anyone looking weirdly at me or anything.

i guess in the middle of big cities you get so many business people around that it's quite normal to see diners alone...

it's weird y'know... when you eat out in nice places *every day* it totally changes your appriciaton for that sort of thing... you really get to know what good resturant food is, and it stops becoming something special...

i remember one of my mates coming to visit, and she wanted to get dressed up to go out to eat, and i was just like "oh, come on, lets go!" and went in whatevre i had on... it just wasnt special... it's hard to explain....

but yeah, those were the good old days... now i can't affoard good places, and don't want to go to mediocre ones...