Have your read it?


Well-Known Member
I'll ask the same question here as I'm asking everywhere else. I hear everybody with an opinion on Obamacare .... But has any of the mouthpieces here read it? Even just one single page in it's entirety? Or are you all just parrotting what your favorite talking head/politician has told you it says ... realizing that congress ADMITTED that they voted for or against it without reading it.
I started reading it, and then it started to refer
to other legislation that wasn't part of the actual bill,
and I got lost.
I tried. I couldn't follow/understand it.

I do know what my docs office manager has told me she had to
go through to get there money from medicare, since it's started being implemented.
She's actually somewhat more liberal leaning than I also.

Nobody actually knows what will happen in small business until 2014, if it stands.
I suspect there's some educated(more then me) guessing going on that might be close.

Beside all of that though, it has been shown that the office of the pres. can now do whatever the crap it wants.
On Anything.

Nothing means anything unless it's enforced and people are jailed, then
that's the reality That person has to live by.
oh, I'd like to add to clarify...
that's for "law of the land"
Moral and ethically, is another matter. I take my guidance
on that part from my religious faith mostly.
I've verified parts & read others, it's a jumbled mess.

More importantly, I can't even get through the syllabus of todays ruling without wondering,
who threatened Justice Roberts wife's life? They all know this thing is unconstitutional, they
all know that it's an overreach, yet Justice Roberts changes the wording of this law, and the
pre-law arguments of this law, that specifically say IT IS NOT A TAX ( ABC NEWS
This makes no sense
no-one CAN read it to make sense of it because it's open-ended so they can make it whatever they want.
Parts of it are still being written even now.
Well...at least they didn't/couldn't implement the mandate to buy this piece o' crap.
what I'm wondering, and haven't really heard any in the news address is..
Since it is indeed a TAX, if you don't pay it, can you then be charged with tax evasion.
Man this is such a slippering slope, that if it isn't repealed the government will have certain total power.
I doubt the good Saint read it any more than anyone else has.

yeah your question got boring and cato raised a more interesting one. sorry.

now if you'll excuse me, i am going to go buy some barbasol. not that i know anything about it, but they advertise it on rush's radio show.
what I'm wondering, and haven't really heard any in the news address is..
Since it is indeed a TAX, if you don't pay it, can you then be charged with tax evasion.
Man this is such a slippering slope, that if it isn't repealed the government will have certain total power.

From what I gather, they are still trying to say it is a penalty, so if you don't pay it, then the IRS may withhold your return. Other than that, no enforcement from what I can tell.
Anywho. I doubt anyone who reads it can actually understand the whole thing. http://housedocs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf Its 1990 pages long if you have the time and legal knowledge to read it...which most of us don't.

Also...if you remember correctly, this whole thing was supposed to be made available a couple of days BEFORE the vote...
Pelosi just deemed it available to read.

I'm of the belief that this is a 10th amendment issue and the states will be the end of this law. Competition. -- I had the opportunity this weekend to take Sheriff Mack to breakfast before a speaking engagement. I certainly liked his thoughts on the matter; we need more citizen posse'.