Having a bad hair day...


New Member
Definitely. My hair is starting to grow, and today is the first day I can't keep my hair up as usual anymore, it's now just hanging a little bit, but it looks like shit...

...I won't give up yet though, I want to be able to do :hairbang:

Can you tell I'm bored?

While I'm bored, I might as well post a lame joke I heard on the radio this morning too:


Last summer I went to egypt, and offcourse visited the piramyds. I went inside, to end up in a chamber with two doors, both with a sign on them. One said "enter here if you have more than one wife", the other "enter here if you only have one wife". Although disturbed by the word "only", I decided to be honest and pick the second door. Again, I ended up in a chamber with two doors. The first on said "enter here if you're larger than 25 cm", the other "enter here if you're smaller than 25 cm". Again, I chose to be honest and picked the second door. Behind the door was yet another chamber, again with two doors. The first one said "enter here if you do it more than once a week", the other "enter here if you do it less than once a week". Although the truth can really hurt, I decided to be honest once again, and went trough the second door, only to find myself standing in the desert, outside of the pyramid.

The moral of this story: tell the truth and you won't get screwed.
:rofl: @ joke :D

Lame, but funny :D

But since you're bored, why not post a pic of the hair? It can't POSSIBLY be more worse than my haircut used to be :D
Well, you asked for it... just don't come crying to me when you're traumatized for the rest of your life... :p


badhairday.jpg, 15.11kb

He's still asleep...it's 6am over there :D
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he WILL make such a comment :D

But geez...it really looks bad :D
hehehe :D
I already posted that pic here once...the Art Garfunkel haircut according to Unc D

[edit kinda messed up the guys name...Simon & Garfunkel...not Simon Garfunkel blush]
Psycho said:
Definitely. My penis is starting to grow, and today is the first day I can't keep it up as usual anymore, it's now just hanging a little bit, but it looks like shit...
Um we don't need to know that ok?