Hawaiian dance question...

I read it, too, Luis, and I refrained from making any of my stupidly inane comments. As for the dancing with strangers, I'll dance with you if I can fondle...umm...I'll dance with you if fondle...ummm...What was the question? :D
Originally posted by Luis G
where's kuu or nalani ?

The only qualified members to answer that

(consider making a scream thread in order to have a quick reply :D:D)

I don't know about that Luis ... you were getting pretty good at dancing when you possessed my av :p
Originally posted by greenfreak
Just saw this on the travelocity website... I have a question...

Do all Hawaiian dancers fondle their breasts while dancing?



Yuck. First of all, that outfit that woman is wearing disgusts me. Who wears that kind of stuff? If she wants to be really traditional, she should just take that bra thing off and just "hang". I'm sure that'll do more to promote tourism :D

The pic is deceiving too ... she's not really touching herself. Her hands are maybe maybe a few inches in front of her breasts.

Sure, but i have no breasts to fondle....:D :D (well......i meant mine...... :D ohhhh .....i meant i don't have them on my body).