He did it his way


molṑn labé
Staff member
Now he's leaving on his terms.

Karl Rove, President Bush's longtime political adviser, is resigning as White House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31,

Hopefully we'll never have to hear his name again unless it's because they've indicted him.

Buh-Bye Karl ol' boy :finger: *piss3* :tomato:
He probably got sick of the paranoid lib kooks attacking him constantly with insane conspiracy theories.

Who will the Libs go after now?
Accused by......?

Dang it!! They'll get Rove for something!! The slippery little weasel!!


The EVIL of this man!!

No wonder he causes the left to tremble with fear at the mention of his name!
Oh come on, Rover makes Tricky Dick look like a law abiding citizen....And if he scares anyone it's the ability that scumbag has to get away with it all....Which is exactly what makes him a hero of the right. The fact that he makes up the rules as he goes, breaks the law at will and gets away with it. That's the ideal of the conservative politician! For that matter most politicians right or left.....But Rover is a master at it....A master scumbag, something to truly be proud of! :rolleyes:
Oh come on, Rover makes Tricky Dick look like a law abiding citizen....

President Nixon put the office above the man & resigned & was never impeached.

Karl Rove beats the Dems 9.999 times out of 10. That's why they're mad. He's done nothing illegal.
Look no further than Wikipedia for several charges he is accused of.

Wikipedia has been repeatedly discredited here as an unreliable source. The most famous example is the false report of Sinbad's death. But any place that allows someone to edit a story and have it immediately go live (don't tell me that doesn't happen because I've done it myself without even having to register an account there).
Oh come on are y'all naive enough to actually believe that a man accused of so many crimes is 100% innocent? It'd be one thing if there were a few vague accusations, but this man's entire polical career is peppered with many serious accusations, and he's rightly labeled some sort of political "venemous snake". At this point even your side wants nothing to do with this kind of scum. Just because he's come out unscathed so far doesn't make him "white as the proverbial snow". You and I and everyone here knows (assuming some measure of honesty with one's self) that this man isn't a pillar of virtue. Where there is smoke there's fire, and I'd just about lay money on that he will be convicted of a crima and not too far into te future. So lay off the sanctimonious horseshit about how "he's done nothing illegal" because you're seriously deluded if you believe thhat. :banghead:
Gonz, no matter how you try, I don't believe you are gullible or vapid enough to believe this guy hasn't commited crimes in his career. You may wish to believe so because he has done WELL for your side, I'll grant you that. But I simply don't believe that even you believe he is an innocent man. So lie to yourself if you must to make it all paletable, but don't try and convince me you believe in his innocense, because even if you are 100% sincere I refuse to beleive that. You just don't strike me as a complete moron no matter how much we disagree...

*handonhip :tomato:
This is one of the major differences I see in the right and the left. And you can argue this till the cows come home and I will not engage it because this is my opinion, based on my personal experience. In any case I have noticed that most lefties understand, acknowlege and admit that politics are by nature a game of dirty pool. We know that none of the players have entirely clean slates and we accept that reality and seek for a man who best holds our ideals with the least amount of dirty tactics employed. Where I see the right, ignoring entirely any dirty tactics, negative campaigns, and denying any hint of wrongdoing, because in the end they are so convinced of the importance of their ends that they can justify any means of getting to their objectives. The left, acknowleges that sometimes politics are messy business, where the right seems to think nothing is illegal if they don't get caught doing it.
If a crime has been committed, accuse & prosecute. Until that happens, it's all speculation. I don't know Karl Roves history. What I've seen in the last 6 years is hilarious. He's got the left believing that a Yale undergrad/Harvard MBA who has made Governmor of Texas & President of the United States is a hick to the Nth degree.

To my knowledge, Mr Rove has broken no laws. I believe he has broken no laws. If he has-and someone has evidence-present it. Until then, you are committing libel. I'm sure he doesn't mind.
To my knowlege, (and yours BTW) O.J. Simpson did not commit any crime either. Does that make him less despicable?