He did it his way

Didn't OK actually get convicted of selling hacked DitecTV boxes?

Who the hell is OK?

In any case I'll amend my previous statement just in case, although I have no idea whether O.J. was convicted of anything.

To my knowlege, (and yours BTW) O.J. Simpson did not commit any murder either. Does that make him less despicable?
I actually figured it out on my own....It took a lot of deep thought and research, but neverhteless I figured out what you meant.

If a crime has been committed, accuse & prosecute. Until that happens, it's all speculation. I don't know Karl Roves history. What I've seen in the last 6 years is hilarious. He's got the left believing that a Yale undergrad/Harvard MBA who has made Governmor of Texas & President of the United States is a hick to the Nth degree.

To my knowledge, Mr Rove has broken no laws. I believe he has broken no laws. If he has-and someone has evidence-present it. Until then, you are committing libel. I'm sure he doesn't mind.

Looks to me like an indictment is on the horizon.
Looks like a crime, smells like a crime, probably is a crime! I am sure if they indicted, convicted and sentenced that guy, that if they didn't take down Bush with him, he'd promply get a full pardon. Perhaps a medal.