
I don't use them on a computer, but I'd be lost without them on my stereo. Speakers, headphones, and a good tuner/equalizer are areas I do not skimp on. Bose had some awesome headphones at the outlet store for around $300, I'm really thinking about getting them if they drop the price anytime soon.
as much as i dislike bose speakers, i've got a set of triport headphones that sound pretty killer, the bose noise cancelling ones are sweet too. the price isn't so sweet though, the triports retail for about $150 i think
I can't find mine on Koss.com, but I've got a big pair of fold-up Koss headphones that I bought in 2001 that have been quite good. They're quite sensitive, though, which means I have to turn down the volume a few notches for the same loudness.
I'm going to use them only for music. stereo, and comp.
I'm not going to pay over $100 for a set.
tommyj27 said:
as much as i dislike bose speakers, i've got a set of triport headphones that sound pretty killer, the bose noise cancelling ones are sweet too. the price isn't so sweet though, the triports retail for about $150 i think

I'm with ya. Bose speakers are impressive to a degree, but the sound quality is a little flat to my ear, particularly at low volumes.

The noise cancelling set was what I looked at. If I still messed around with sound boards and such I'd get 'em in a heartbeat. For no more sound engineering than I'll be doing now, I'll probably go a little less expensive.

What I WANT is a set of Boston Acoustic speakers. But then, people in Hell want a lemonade stand too.
Yeah, I want the full ear cover, and something that won't be hurting after an hour or 2.
I break it or misplace it, so cheap stuff for me. Currently using Philips ear plugs for my mp3-player, and Philips neckband with the 'puter (when not using the Philips speakers..).
I use AKG K340s. They beat everything under $400 that I listened to. Kinda hard to find though. They're old, and have a little of a cult following. Very difficult to power though, 2x400 ohms. Need a strong headamp or reciever.

For under $100, you can do no better than the Grado SR-60. As odd as they look, they are comfy as hell. They don't have any isolation, but there is no side to side pressure. They rest on your head, and with the right pads (several variants, I prefer the 'Comfy' pads) they are very comfortable. They are a low enough impedance that portable equipment has no problem with them. 2x32 ohms. $70 from www.toddthevinyljunkie.com
Designed and manufactured in the US.
It doesn't look like the frequency response is as good on the Grado,
compared to the sony ones... :confused:
Full ear is the only way to go. Them little earpiece things are an abomination.

Check Best Buy etc. I had a pair from there that ran about 60 bucks that did the job admirably, just don't remember who made them. As long as they reproduce 20-20,000 Hz dynamic range yer good to go.
i'd like to try those spiffy closed ear buds too, i've heard good things about them. the ones i was looking at were like $200 though, so i don't know if i want to spend that to try out a pair of buds.
catocom said:
It doesn't look like the frequency response is as good on the Grado,
compared to the sony ones... :confused:

Don't go by the frequency response. Go somewhere where you can demo them, and compare. Especially for rock, I found the SR-60s to be the best <$100 cans around. I have both the SR-60s and the MDR-V600s brother studio can, the MDR-V6/MDR-7506, and while I liked the V6 at the time, the SR-60 was much better. Not to mention, after about a year, the solder joints in the V6 connector stopped working and I had to recable them.

www.head-fi.org for all your headphone informational needs.
Inkara1 said:
I can't find mine on Koss.com, but I've got a big pair of fold-up Koss headphones that I bought in 2001 that have been quite good. They're quite sensitive, though, which means I have to turn down the volume a few notches for the same loudness.
It appears they've been discontinued... but they're these ones.
I had some koss just like that. :eek: some years back.
the wiring gave out on them.
They were pretty good, but I'm looking for great. :D
I also had some old radio shack ones for years and years. they were great.
They quite making that model over 15 years ago too. :crying4: I don't like the new line.
I read about all that brand over at newegg. I when through every review,
on every model. There seemed like too many that said they hurt after an hour or so. :confused:
catocom said:
I read about all that brand over at newegg. I when through every review,
on every model. There seemed like too many that said they hurt after an hour or so. :confused:

Really? I don't own a pair of those, but I plan to buy one later.

They get particular good reviews by people in the field, most of them own one of these http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/category.asp?transid=cat4

Beware, you need a headphone amp, most soundcards will not feed them enough power.
I haven't used headphones since my son was a wee little one. Don't really have a need for 'em. But I did buy a whole new A/V system last year with a 7.1 receiver and Klipsch speaker set. Sounds awesome. My son (who is proudly working at a cabinet shop now) built me an awesome cabinet. I designed it, he built it. I'm so proud of him now *sniff*
Luis G said:
Beware, you need a headphone amp, most soundcards will not feed them enough power.
That is a problem. I don't have room in my bedroom for anymore equipment.
It gets pretty hot in here with just the comp, and me. :D