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Intelligence officials have confirmed the US has stopped searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

They say the chief US investigator, Charles Duelfer, is not planning to return to the country.

Mr Duelfer reported last year that Iraq had no stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons at the time of the US-led invasion nearly two years ago.

The existence of WMD had been the stated reason in Washington and London for going to war with Iraq.

Mr Duelfer said when he released his interim report in October that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had still had the desire to restart WMD programmes, when he could.

He will make a few adjustments to his report, but when the final version is published in a few weeks, he will close the book on the hunt, says the BBC's Nick Childs in Washington.

Officials are still sifting through a mountain of documents and if they produce any leads, they say, they will be followed, but there is no expectation that the hunt will be revived. The Iraq Survey Group, which was responsible for the search, goes on, but its focus now is trying to help counter the Iraqi insurgency.

They have depleted uranium rounds all over the place. Thats a WMD if ever there was one. It doesn't matter that we put it there... they have it all the same. ;)
unclehobart said:
They have depleted uranium rounds all over the place. Thats a WMD if ever there was one. It doesn't matter that we put it there... they have it all the same. ;)

Who has "IT"? Syria...among others.
Professur said:
Depleted uranium isn't dangerous. Except at high speeds.
Yes it is. Its still slightly radioactive... just in smaller amounts. If you built an invincible tank out of it, the occupants would be slowly transformed into either goop or Omega Man zombies.
Chief U.S. weapons hunter Charles Duelfer (search) is to deliver his final report on the search next month. "It's not going to fundamentally alter the findings of his earlier report," McClellan said, referring to preliminary findings from last September. Duelfer reported then that Saddam Hussein not only had no weapons of mass destruction and had not made any since 1991, but that he had no capability of making any either. Bush unapologetically defended his decision to invade Iraq.

I highlighted that part because there are those who say he had two months before the invasion to ship the WMD out to Syria etc....That phrase points out that he was no more a threat after 9/11 than he was after 1991.
He had them. He did not, as agreed per the 1991 Gulf War surrender, destroy or dismantle them in accordance to instructions. Why not? & where are they?
I saw the story last night. I didn't put it up cause I knew somebody would :p
"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." - Vice President Dick Cheney

"[Saddam] has amassed large clandestine stocks of biological weapons... including anthrax and botulism toxin and possibly smallpox. His regime has amassed large clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX and sarin and mustard gas... [he] has at this moment stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons." - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

"There are a number of terrorist states pursuing weapons of mass destruction -- Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, just to name a few -- but no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein and Iraq." - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

"Iraq could decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group or individual terrorists." - President George W Bush

"He's got weapons of mass destruction. This is a man who has used weapons of mass destruction." - President George W Bush

"He has weapons of mass destruction. At one time we know for certain he was close to having a nuclear weapon. Imagine Saddam Hussein with a nuclear weapon. Not only has he got chemical weapons, but I want you to remember, he's used chemical weapons." - President George W Bush

"If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world." - White House spokesman Ari Fleischer

"Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough agent to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets." - Secretary of State Colin Powell

"Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly." - White House spokesman Ari Fleischer

I could go on and on all day with these quotes.

Bush's two main reasons for INVADING Iraq were:
1) He believed that Saddam had WMD in his possession.
2) He believed that Saddam's regime had ties to Al-Qaeda.

The fact that the "US gives up search for Iraq WMD", to me shows that they now realize that there are none in Iraq. I highly doubt that they would give up on the search if they did truly believe that there were still WMD in Iraq. I know that it is possible that in fact they are hidden, but I think that it would be harder to hide enough chemical agent to fill "16,000 battlefield rockets" than it would be to hide a single person. And they found him, did they not.

I believe that the U.S.A. has only made them selves a larger target for terrorists since they have invaded Iraq. We will probably be seeing a new generation of terrorists coming up. Young kids that have had their fathers killed fighting Americans. People that have had their loved ones killed in the bloody crossfire.

I believe that 10 years from now, this war will be looked back on as one of the greatest mistakes ever. I guess only time will tell.

I'll keep praying for all the coalition soldiers, and all of the innocent
Iraqis. I hope to god that whoever was responsible for misinforming the world about Iraq's WMD capabilities will someday sit next to Saddam, behind bars.

Thanks for reading, all the best.
I believe that 10 years from now, this war will be looked back on as one of the greatest mistakes ever. I guess only time will tell.

Hear hear, it's on par with Vietnam, another war where lost where the Americans and Britians should've stayed home.
as I recently wrote for another board.

Here a few of the things Saddam admitted he had been doing under the nose of UN-inspections™ in 1995.

  • Creating an offensive Bio-weapon capability
  • 5000 Gals of Botulinium.
  • 2000 Gals of Anthrax.
  • 25 Bio-Weapon filled Scud-heads
  • 157 aerial bombs.

Now those numbers are NOT our numbers, those are the numbers that Saddam gave the UN and the world in 1995 as he booted out the inspectors because Billy was bullying him.

Have quick read of this speech ---bill clinton making the case for a ground-war he never entered into. While the democrats fully supported his case for war, the polls didn't support it at the time.


As for the "2-main points for war" ....last I read there were 23 reason given as to why we went in. With only 4 of those pertaining to WMD's.
K62 said:
I could go on and on all day with these quotes.

Bush's two main reasons for INVADING Iraq were:
1) He believed that Saddam had WMD in his possession.
2) He believed that Saddam's regime had ties to Al-Qaeda.

The fact that the "US gives up search for Iraq WMD", to me shows that they now realize that there are none in Iraq. I highly doubt that they would give up on the search if they did truly believe that there were still WMD in Iraq. I know that it is possible that in fact they are hidden, but I think that it would be harder to hide enough chemical agent to fill "16,000 battlefield rockets" than it would be to hide a single person. And they found him, did they not.

I believe that the U.S.A. has only made them selves a larger target for terrorists since they have invaded Iraq. We will probably be seeing a new generation of terrorists coming up. Young kids that have had their fathers killed fighting Americans. People that have had their loved ones killed in the bloody crossfire.

I believe that 10 years from now, this war will be looked back on as one of the greatest mistakes ever. I guess only time will tell.

I'll keep praying for all the coalition soldiers, and all of the innocent
Iraqis. I hope to god that whoever was responsible for misinforming the world about Iraq's WMD capabilities will someday sit next to Saddam, behind bars.

Thanks for reading, all the best.

:winkkiss: :love3: :sadhug:
Saddams govt was so corrupt that they cared only about their own wealth and power. It makes sense to consider the fact that whatever weapons they had left were shipped off for megabucks around the globe with saddam and co rubbing his hands with the profits he's made out of what was given to him by the U.S in the first place. The are probably sitting in Iran, Pakistan, India or North Korea and in the backyards of several terrorist networks forgodsake. He probably knew better than to keep them hidden for himself, in case something like the war were to happen. Plan didn't work, however did it?

But then, if you were a corrupt (not to mention insane) Dictator with more or less imagined military strength it probably would seem a better idea to tell a few lies (note the simularity with another :erm: leader) about the capacity of strength rather than admit the fact his entire nation is worth zilch.

reminds me a bit about men and the size of their, :erm: - heh - nah we won't go there...i might get censored :rofl4

I wouldn't be surprised if there were evenc certain people still sitting back on U.S shores who profited directly from the exchange, trade or 'displacement' of those very weapons.

also, I think that we're forgeting a major dilemma here...the U.S supplied Iraq with the weapons and things in the first place, didn't they?

FAHRENHEIT 9/11: “Was it the guy my daddy’s friends delivered a lot of weapons to?”

* In 1995, a member of Reagan's National Security Council and co-author of his National Security Directives, Howard Teicher, signed a sworn affidavit stating: “From early 1982 to 1987, I served as a Staff Member to the United States National Security Council.… In June, 1982, President Reagan decided that the United States could not afford to allow Iraq to lose the war to Iran. President Reagan decided that the United States would do whatever was necessary and legal to prevent Iraq from losing the war with Iran. Pursuant to the secret NSDD, the United States actively supported the Iraqi war effort by supplying the Iraqis with billions of dollars of credits, by providing U.S. military intelligence and advice to the Iraqis, and by closely monitoring third country arms sales to Iraq to make sure that Iraq had the military weaponry required. This message was delivered by Vice President Bush who communicated it to Egyptian President Mubarak, who in turn passed the message to Saddam Hussein. Under CIA Director Casey and Deputy Director Gates, the CIA made sure that non-U.S. manufacturers manufactured and sold to Iraq the weapons needed by Iraq. In certain instances where a key component in a weapon was not readily available, the highest levels of the United States government decided to make the component available, directly or indirectly, to Iraq. I specifically recall that the provision of anti-armor penetrators to Iraq was a case in point. The United States made a policy decision to supply penetrators to Iraq." Affidavit of former Howard Teicher, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. CARLOS CARDOEN et al, January 31, 1995. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/

* “Questions have been raised about whether the United States not only ignored foreign arms shipments to Iraq, but actually encouraged or even arranged them. A former National Security Council official, Howard Teicher, said in a 1995 court affidavit that the CIA made sure Iraq received weapons from non-U.S. manufacturers.” Ken Guggenheim, “War Crimes Trial for Saddam Could Reveal Details of Past U.S. Help,” Associated Press, January 24, 2004.

* “There is ample documentation demonstrating that the Reagan and Bush administrations supplied critical military technologies that were put directly to use in the construction of the Iraqi war machine. There is also strong evidence indicating that the executive branch's failure to crack down on illegal weapons traffickers or keep track of third party transfers of U.S. weaponry allowed a substantial flow of U.S.-origin military equipment and military components to make their way to Iraq.” William D. Hartung, Weapons at War; A World Policy Institute Issue Brief, May 1995. See also, Alan Friedman, Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq, (Bantam Books, 1993); Kenneth R. Timmerman, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, (Houghton, Mifflin, 1991).

* “Rep. Dante Fascell, D-Fla., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said … that the United States could not ‘make a claim for purity’ on arms sales, since the U.S. government has sold weapons to Iran, Iraq ‘and everybody else in the world.’” Robert Shepard, “Congress Approves Aid for Former Soviet Republics,” United Press International, October 3, 1992.

* “A covert American program during the Reagan administration provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war, according to senior military officers with direct knowledge of the program. Those officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not be identified, spoke in response to a reporter's questions about the nature of gas warfare on both sides of the conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988. Iraq's use of gas in that conflict is repeatedly cited by President Bush and, this week, by his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, as justification for "regime change" in Iraq. The covert program was carried out at a time when President Reagan's top aides, including Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci and Gen. Colin L. Powell, then the national security adviser, were publicly condemning Iraq for its use of poison gas, especially after Iraq attacked Kurds in Halabja in March 1988.” Patrick E. Tyler, “Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas,” The New York Times, August 18, 2002.
Farenheit 9/11 notes and sources

all this is my own conjecture, of course.