Hehe...Take that haters.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant act of civil disobedience

PORTLAND, Oregon (Reuters) -- In a new twist in the battle over same-sex marriage roiling the United States, a county in Oregon has banned all marriages -- gay and heterosexual -- until the state decides who can and who cannot wed

The last marriage licenses were handed out in Benton County at 4 p.m. local time (7:00 p.m. EST) Tuesday. As of Wednesday, officials in the county of 79,000 people will begin telling couples applying for licenses to go elsewhere until the gay marriage debate is settled.

To me this is an excellent manuver and a hillarious slap on the face of the absurdity brought on by this issue.
That's a sack of shit! All kinds of people who want to get legally married in that county are now going to be massively inconvenienced because these idiots want to make political hay.

I don't give a shit how the gay marriage thing turns out, but putting a stop to somebody else's rights for the publicity isn't the way to resolve it.
I disagree. If those people want to get married, they can go elsewhere or they can wait, but the one statement that says it all is this. They are proving a point here.

"we need to treat everyone in our county equally."
PuterTutor said:
I disagree. If those people want to get married, they can go elsewhere or they can wait, but the one statement that says it all is this. They are proving a point here.

Thank you.

Why do you assume that those who do not support gay marriage are haters?

Because they are.
They're proving a point at the expense of someone else's right to get married where they live. In my book, that's as wrong as opposing gay marriage is in your book.
Ok, so what about the gays that want to get married? They can't. Are they being inconvenienced as well? Where is your outrage there?
Let 'em go to Europe. After all, it's only a minor inconvenience. ;)

I'm not real happy about the way gay marriage is treated in the US, Puter. However, I'm getting pissed off at all the fumbling around about what to do about it. Legalize it, don't legalize it, I no longer care. However, don't step on exisiting rights. First rule, do no harm.
Well to me the issue at hand is marraige, and what constitutes a legal marriage. That question is up in the air right now. Until that question is answered, is it fair to allow some people to get married while others can not?
good point, PT... but as long as this country is run by bible-thumping homophobes, nothing is likely to change, unfortunately :disgust2:
Is it fair to take away the existing right for some to get married because of the screaming about the fact that other cannot? That's the part that's bullshit. Two wrongs never make a right.
Well, one thing I do agree with, it is a radical step to take. I guess I just don't see the huge inconvenience that you see.
As I have said before:

All people are considered equal or should be and should be given the same rights.

I do not see a problem here. heteros and homos are being treated equally neither can marry.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
good point, PT... but as long as this country is run by bible-thumping homophobes, nothing is likely to change, unfortunately :disgust2:

It was also founded by bible-thumping homophobes, for bible-thumping homophobes.
our forefathers were Christian. As to how much of a Bible Thumper they were though I am not so sure of
freako104 said:
All people are considered equal or should be and should be given the same rights.

Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it.