Professur said:and you didn't answer. Thanks for playing, have a nice day.
Gonz said:I've asked before, show me where marriage is a right.
Who was it that started the whole "slippery slope argument? Claerly, that person is under the (IMO) mistaken belief that homosexuality is in the same vein as pedophilia, beastiality, etc. In other words deviant behavior. The very defintion of a homophobe. Sorry, you seem to have a phobia about being phobic.Gonz said:I am neither a homophobe nor a supporter of homosexual marriage. Thus, you are wrong.
Professur said:Thanks for playing, have a nice day.
chcr said:Somebody said something about rights???
I was speaking of equal treatment earlier.
chcr said:Claerly, that person is under the (IMO) mistaken belief that homosexuality is in the same vein as pedophilia, beastiality, etc. In other words deviant behavior. The very defintion of a homophobe. Sorry, you seem to have a phobia about being phobic.
Gonz said:Get a new dictionary. That one is broken.
Main Entry: ho·mo·pho·bia
Pronunciation: "hO-m&-'fO-bE-&
Function: noun
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
Gonz said:I've asked before, show me where marriage is a right.
chcr said:Correct answer, deal with it.
chcr said:Sorry, HomeLan, but a few times each generation a question will arise to which the answer is obvious. This is such a case. If you are going to purport to treat homosexuals equally under the law then you must let them marry. If you don't wish them to be treated equally, admit it and go on about your business.
Too bad, chcr...resorting to rhetoric and cheap shots when a good answer could've been made.
freako104 said:doesnt common law marriages count?
Didn't read all the posts when I first responded. Should've followed my own guidance.eric said:someone should have told Prof that
Common law marriages are not recognized in every state. If they were, 99% of this would just go away, because those homosexual unions could be declared to be just such...a civil union
freako104 said:He is allowed to bring it up since it has come up a few times in this debate.
Gato said:why do you always bring up your wife's inability to have children whenever a debate of gay marriage comes up. It has no bearing on the argument in question, and only serves to muddy the debate with useless information.
Gonz said:I may have had a hand in that. I've stated, the only reason for a legal marriage is the legitimization of children. Who cares what two adults do with each other.
It's okay Gato. Gonz (and Prof) are certainly entitled to your belief that marriage is only for legitmization of children, some of us have other reasons. Does this then make our decision less legitimate. Not unless we're gay, evidently.Gato_Solo said:What has his wife's condition got to do with gay marriage?
Gato_Solo said:The only problem I have is this...You can't make something legitimate unless you go through the proper channels first. When those channels offer no relief, then, and only then, do you resort to what's known as civil disobedience. Anything less makes the whole 'movement' a charade with an ulterior motive.