
Are you afraid of heights?

  • Not at all

    Votes: 22 100.0%
  • Not normally, but I prefer guard railings or something to prevent me from becoming a blob of goo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Usually, but there are times when I'm not

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I am

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
greenfreak said:
Ards, that sucks man. I actually felt sympathy pain when I read about your arm. :(

Yeah, it really sucked. I broke it on a Monday. At the emergency room, they put it in a sling and manipulated the wrist back into some semblance of its previous state, but they couldn't operate until the swelling went down. The operation was scheduled for Wednesday. On Tuesday we found out that the Worker's Comp insurance wouldn't cover the doctors who were going to do the operation. We had to get a different doctor and go to a pre-operation visit with him on Wednesday. The operation took place on Friday. In the meantime, I was eating pain pills like candy. I could feel the two parts of the humerus rattling around in my upper arm and rubbing up against each other. Every trip into town we had to travel over bumpy dirt roads.

To top it all off, my dad had a heart transplant on that Tuesday. He had been in the cardiac unit for about a month waiting for a heart, and one became available the day after I broke my arm. He called me on the phone to let me know they were taking him. My sisters were at the hospital with him, but I was too stove up to make the trip. I was pretty depressed to think that I might be speaking to him for the last time, and having to do it over the freaking phone. :(

He came through the operation alright, though, and he's still thriving five years later. :)
Wow Ards, you really know how to make me cringe. I looked like this---> :mad2: except not in that color and I wasn't frowning. Man oh man. I'm glad you and your Dad came out ok though! Were you awake when they reduced the arm fracture? I've had to reduce shoulder dislocations and hold people down before, not fun. I hated doing it too because I felt so bad for the people in pain-as much as I sympathised, it was nowhere near the pain they felt. The only good thing about reducing a femur fracture (long bone in your thigh) is the relief that comes afterwards.
greenfreak said:
Were you awake when they reduced the arm fracture?

The wrist? Yeah, they gave me some pain pills, and some phenegren (sp?) to keep the pain pills from making me nauseous. Neither worked as well as I would have liked. I'm sure the pain pills helped a lot, but it still hurt like hell when they started pulling on that wrist. Jan was there, and she says I turned white as a sheet. I didn't pass out, but I did throw up. I threw up again after we got to the house.

I've had to reduce shoulder dislocations and hold people down before, not fun.

I don't think I could do that. I can't even force my child to let me put anti-septic on a cut, or pull a splinter out of her foot. :p