No, its not Justin having a personality crisis, its his cousin Gregory! Leslie, this place is blue not green, unless i'm colour blind! :yell:
Just dropped in to say HI! :smoke3:
Hi Cousin Gregory!! :wave:

Nice to see you! They just changed the board this week, it used to be green. You can change it back to green if you want. :)

How you been??
Dangerous my aunt fannie! I've been well, i am 100% sure you're the green lady! (mostly because Justin told me so himself) :D
Ah ha!! Yes, I am the green lady. I actually talked to you on MSN once to thank you profusely. And I asked you to kiss Justin for me but you refused. :D

So... what ELSE has Justin said about the green lady??
All good things come to an end, maybe i will join some day when life is a little less busy. For now i'm going to get plastered and well fed, laters peeps!
Hes slightly shorter, skinny and pale like my mums side of the family, sadly i'm not joking :rofl2: nite folks, if we're not too hammered we might come back online later :D
Justintime said:
Hes slightly shorter, skinny and pale like my mums side of the family, sadly i'm not joking :rofl2: nite folks, if we're not too hammered we might come back online later :D

...but you didn't mention anything about the "handsome" part :p
Justintime said:
nite folks, if we're not too hammered we might come back online later :D


Hi, Gregory!!! ;)

and no, I'm not colour blind :p

Gregory had LOTS of dirt to share about Justin... but I'll never tell :angel2: