Hello Moon Dragon


Welcome to OTC...We're usually nekkid here so you won't have any trouble finding a full moon to stare at....Just remember to share, damnit! :brow:
Well there goes our reputation, now people think it's cool.

Welcome Moon, or should I call you Mrs. Dragon?
Hey, welcome. These guys are fairly accomodating... unusually so.... *eyes squigs* Just watch out for the frog in the dress. :p

freako104 said:
hello and welcome!! post lots!!! have fun!!

Hiya Freaks. :lol2:
PuterTutor said:
Well there goes our reputation, now people think it's cool.

We're not cool? :crying4:

And I spent all that time dying my underwear blue for nothing. :crying5:

Oh well, time to find another forum to blindly follow into the abyss. :bs: I noticed it looks like we have a few new smilies, or maybe I just didn't notice this one before.
Yeah, sucks huh?

I used to be cool, but now I have teenagers. They have explicitly said I am not cool. Must be true, after all, they know everything. :shrug:

Want to drive to Missouri and try to convince the little heathens that suck the life out of me?