Hello, seperation people

I'm still waiting for buggy stalls for the Amish. It doesn't matter that they don't fly or live within 1000 miles of Phoenix... its about equality and justice! Oh yeah... lets not forget freezers for the eskimoes.
Because we already have a foothold situation, and many times there are
consequences for speaking out.

I seriously believe we are eventually headed for something bad. Maybe a second civil war.

I now see it's farther along than foothold.:crap:
This is happening in several major public areas. Why the silence?


Like there's a difference.

Isn't it just awful that people are allowed to practice other religions?

This country was founded on freedom of Christianity! You shall be free to practice whatever form of Christianity you choose, other religions are obviously evil! I think it should be free and legal to stone A-rabs when they are praying.....Right?

We should fund buckets of nice river stones in their prayer areas so we can treat them like the heathen scum dogs they are!
Seriously, people. Those spigots are going to be used by the homeless for washing their filthy, stinking asses (and hopefully laundry)... so frankly, I'm OK with it. I'm tired of my olfactory senses being violated by the stink of some guy asking for change who hasn't bathed since 1998. Be sensible, folks, leave a bar of soap there, too.
Isn't it just awful that people are allowed to practice other religions?

This country was founded on freedom of Christianity! You shall be free to practice whatever form of Christianity you choose, other religions are obviously evil! I think it should be free and legal to stone A-rabs when they are praying.....Right?

We should fund buckets of nice river stones in their prayer areas so we can treat them like the heathen scum dogs they are!

ok, i'll bite

these stations inside airports are there specifically for one or at least for designated religions. is that a correct statement?

if so, then by definition people of other faiths or of no faith would have little if any use for them. fair enough, and not a problem for me


every public chapel in airports or hospitals or where ever must now be open to people of all faiths. we have all seen reports of conflicts or disruptions or what have you arising over their use and more specifically their openness to people of all faiths

so if one has a designation of being exclusive to a set of people while the other by law may not, there is a problem

if you want to have these stations, thats cool by me. but allow the same curtesy/exclusivity to the others too. else you have a precedent of preference being set

also, if this is to be continued, then the whining about public displays of faith need to cease. nativity scenes, minorrahs, all of it needs to not only be allowed but respected. and we all know that is not going to happen. so if one cant be maintained the rest need to go

commence bellyaching below
I agree. Any public displays of faith should stop. I'm down with getting rid of everything except I might make an exception for hospitals. I can understand when a loved on is sick some people need that.

But in airports or whatnot you're working or using a public service. Stay focused.
The End is near!!!!

said nothing of an end...

yep, no upheaval, nope none at all.......
no nobody dieing in Mexico.
Nope, no scare of swine flu
nope, no scare that China cut us off
Nope people just love all this gov. spending

No, no, gas didn't go so high it choked us.
No people have not marched and protested taxes
No Obama doesn't want nationalized health care.

What were you expecting, for me to make a threat or something?
I agree. Any public displays of faith should stop. I'm down with getting rid of everything except I might make an exception for hospitals. I can understand when a loved on is sick some people need that.

But in airports or whatnot you're working or using a public service. Stay focused.

outstanding. so glad you feel that way

now keep your agnostic/atheist crap to yourself, because i dont want to hear it anymore
A simple request as to your reasoning. Is it possible for you to ever answer a straight forward question?
I thought I made it clear that I was agreeing with H20's reasoning.

Now, are you for or against?