HELP! Networking...

Can you get to the router from either computer? Most have a configuration setup program you get to by typing in the routers addy. for mine, I think Linksys uses as it's default.
Aunty Em said:
Yes, no problem... they both have internet access... they're just not speaking to each other... :)

Seems the problem is in between, does the router have an interface you can connect to?
Well, I've had some success...I found some info about networking problems and I reinstalled 2k by rerunning setup over the original install and added a protocol to Local area connection properties. So now I can click on "entire network" and "computers near me" and actually end up inside the shared files of the computer I'm on, but still no connection to the other one.

Hopefully I should get the crossover cable in the morning as it was sent this evening, or at least I usually do when it's sent from that particular supplier, so I will connect the comps up via that and see if they communicate... I suspect they will now. So all that remains is for me to read the online manual in depth and see what else needs configuring on the router....
Please say you did'nt reinstall windows just to add that protocol? it can be done easily ya know :eek: which one was it btw?
No, I was just making sure that nothing else was missing besides netconn.exe.

The nwlink ipx/spx/netbios compatible transport protocol

I tried it both with and without it... it works with it but not with out. It also automatically included nwlinl netbios. I got the idea from here...

Although it's actually talking about ME not 2K.
The issue of the computers communicating with each other is resolved by changing 2k to Static IP on the LAN... see Password Thread for other issues. :D