Here comes the sun...


Well-Known Member
singing said:
do de doo doo

Aah...the beautiful and balmy spring days in Montreal. Time to walk around it's streets, take in some vital vitamin-D, check out the newest in ultra-low-rider pants and skirts and return to the office with a smile on my face.

It's odd, how winter is so quickly forgotten once the temp rises to 20+celcius. So...

When it's sunny and warm outside, I like to:

  1. People watch
  2. Read a book on a bench
  3. Lean up against a tree in a park and just smile for a while
What are your favorite activities during your 15 minute breaks..when the weather permits?
when it's hot and sunny out I look for cold dark places and dream of snowy landscapes

however, I don't get to do that too often -- if I'm home I'm getting sunstroke and a heat rash working in my garden -- if I'm at work I crank the AC... :p
One nice thing about how my apartment's set up is that the front window looks out on a major street, and my computer desk is right under that front window. So, I'll open the blinds just enough to be able to see out without people looking right at me, and people-watch that way. There's a shopping center across the street, so I can people-watch there, or watch people walk down the sidewalk heading home from Wal-Mart across the other street.
MrBishop said:
What are your favorite activities during your 15 minute breaks..when the weather permits?
what's weather got to do with....OH! like to sit outside while the girls play but i burn very easy so i try to stay in the shade after a while...i have a favorite spot to sit in the evenings on the stairs coming from the side of the house. it's up high and i can look down on the street and watch everyone and just chill.
a friend of mine use our lunch to walk about a mile or so along the beach. it's not so much for exercise, it's more for the gossip time it affords us away from our other coworkers :D