Here's to hoping love is real?????


Well-Known Member
Here i sit wondering if the slow mo shots in movies with the perfect background music happen in real life when you find true love or realize that you have found true love and it turned out to in front of you all along. Then reality hits me...i got to my educational institution and see the problems people have with relationships and how they solve them...kills all my dreams of those "oh-so-sweet" movie shots. I am hoping love like the ones in the movies does exist and that hopeful lovers do say beautiful things in the middle of the street to woo their dazed lover leading up to the beautiful sensual kiss with the street vendors, pedestrians, and shop owners clapping in the background. I don't think it exists but i do hope such beautiful notions of love take home in hopefuls minds and hearts these days.....I am not looking for the slow mo shots per se but something to make it feels as such.

Is love really that great or is it more of a mutual understanding between people who come to understand that they get along on certain levels and it would be best for their asses to stick together for life?????:confuse3:

Pardon the ranting:confuse2:
Buttcrackdivine said:
Is love really that great or is it more of a mutual understanding between people who come to understand that they get along on certain levels and it would be best for their asses to stick together for life?????
that one :tardbang:
Anyone who tries to tell you what love is should immediately be ignored.

That said, love is never the same thing to anyone. For some, it might be just lust. For others, a heart wrenching bond. Only one thing seems to be constant: once it's got you, you know it's got you. If you have any doubts, it's not the real thing.
Professur said:
Only one thing seems to be constant: once it's got you, you know it's got you. If you have any doubts, it's not the real thing.

That made assloads of sense..thank you

..i am not looking for love..but just wondering if that Hollywood style has ever hit any one????
Professur said:
Only one thing seems to be constant: once it's got you, you know it's got you. If you have any doubts, it's not the real thing.

that's what my mom told me, when i asked her how i could know for sure that i loved my old bf... and she was right.
it was just obsession with us.

this time, with jawschy.... i never questioned it.
BCD, that's exactly the point. Until it's got you, it doesn't make a turd's worth of sense. Hell, it doesn't make any sense once it sinks it's claws in either.

In my early years
I hid my tears
and spent my days alone.
Adrift on an ocean of lonliness,
my dreams, like nets,
were thrown
to catch the love
that I'd heard of
in books, and films, and songs.
Now, theres a world of illusion
and fantasy
In the place where the real world belongs....
Still, I look for the beauty in songs
to fill my head
and lead me on.
Though my dreams
have come up torn and empty.....

~Jackson Browne~
I have only seen people struggle with makes me run away from it all together....make me weary of the whole concept:confuse3:
Buttcrackdivine said:
I have only seen people struggle with makes me run away from it all together....make me weary of the whole concept:confuse3:

That's because most people are dolts. Confusing lust with love is a common fuck-up, and this is the usual result.

As to whether those movie moments exist, they didn't for me (and I doubt they ever really do). True love did indeed hit me, however. In my case, it was a slow, meandering process, but an inexorable one.
Most people are dolts when it comes to this.....these days elementary school kids have relationship problems....:rolleyes:
I believe real true love is real. I feel it. Right now. Unfortunately, although the guy feels the same things about me as I do about him he doesn't see it as love. Different people see different things as love (as Prof said) and to be in love you have to feel what you define as love for someone and they have to feel what they define as love for you...but that isn't enough for those movie like moments I don't think. It seems to me that to get those moments you each have to feel your definition of love for the other and your definitions of love must be identical or atleast VERY VERY similar. :shrug:
*clears throught*
Love is a perky little elf, dancing a merry little jig, and then suddenly, it turns on you with a mini machine gun.
:D ;)

Well that's what I think anyway. love is both wonderful and cruel at the same time :)
love has caused me more pleasure and pain than anything else.

it's the best thing in the world, in my opinion.
and even when it's causing pain, it's still wonderful.

love just is.

(i hope that made sense. )
Professur said:
Hell, it doesn't make any sense once it sinks it's claws in either.
Well put.
Squiggy said:
Kinda like sex. When its good its great! When its bad....its still pretty good.
Another good one.

I knew my wife for three or four years before it suddenly occured to me that I felt better with her than I did when she wasn't around. 11 years later, I still feel the same way. :D
i was curious as to what my bf thought of our relationship.... we've only been together for a little over 5 months...
so i talked to him.
it went something like this:

"do you think we'll make it?"
"make what?"
"it, together, as a couple."
"i've got a good feeling"

:love: :headbang:
:D That's awesome ash r!! Hope it does work out for you two! You seem VERY VERY happy with him ^_^ Relationships like that are always the best.

*sighs* Good times :) :hug:

Me and the significant other also seem to be in a similiar situation... and for some strange reason the otherday he says rates we're gonna get married eventually :alienhuh: I thought it was generally the chick who has fantasies about those sortta things :shrug: learn something everyday :p