Here's what follows Socialism


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It looks like France is ripe for a turnover to Marxism. Just shows what years of socialistic indoctrination can achieve.

Olivier Besancenot the 'Red Postman' delivers warning to Nicolas Sarkozy
Profile: As the global economy crumbles, a young revolutionary’s talk of smashing the state seems attractive to voters in France.

Last Updated: 8:55AM GMT 06 Feb 2009

France's baby-faced “Red Postman” has been quietly knocking on the door of French politics for years.

However, Olivier Besancenot believes he has now created a wrecking ball to end capitalism and the institutions of the French state symbolised by President Nicolas Sarkozy.

With his cropped hair, Tintin quiff and cheeky grin it is not hard to see why the 34-year old is referred to as everyone’s “ideal son-in-law”.

Whatever you think of his politics – he believes that no employee should ever be sacked – this earnest Trotskyist has a magnetic media presence and undeniable gift of the gab, which have helped turn him into a youth idol.

In Britain, he would be dismissed as a “loony Lefty”. In France, Mr Besancenot is the second most popular political figure behind Mr Sarkozy.

In the wake of the global financial meltdown, his plans to do away with the market economy and create a single, nationalised “state banking service” no longer sound quite so far-fetched.

Middle France’s acceptance of the far-Left postman was sealed when he appeared on the French equivalent of This is Your Life and promised: “For me, the revolution is not a puddle of blood on each street corner.” But behind the harmless, working-class-boy-next-door image, Mr Besancenot means business.

On Sunday, he will launch what he hopes is the ultimate weapon against the powers that be — a mass-appeal far-Left party whose provisional name is the Nouveau Parti Anti-Capitaliste (NPA).

This will replace the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire.

With financial institutions on the verge of collapse and anger rife at the immorality of a system that spawned the Madoff scandal, the timing could not have been better for the launch of a party that hopes to build a non-capitalist state. Add to that a bitterly divided and ineffectual centre-Left and long-standing French scepticism to the free market and it is not hard to see why Mr Sarkozy no longer views the NPA as a laughing matter.

The president and Mr Besancenot are no strangers. In a two-finger salute to the rich, Mr Besancenot has for a decade kept a part-time job as a postal worker in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France’s wealthiest suburb, where Mr Sarkozy was mayor for 18 years.

Neither would like to hear it, but politically they have something in common: both were incredibly precocious. Mr Sarkozy was once France’s youngest mayor, while Mr Besancenot became France’s youngest presidential candidate when he ran for election in 2002.

While Mr Sarkozy clinched the presidency in 2007, Mr Besancenot won a lesser, but crucial battle for the far-Left, as he trounced the once formidable Communist Party and two Trotskyist rivals, taking 1.5 million votes. He has gone from strength to strength, and is now credited with almost a fifth of voting preferences in one poll.

Many seem to be happy to turn a blind eye to his darker side; this surfaced late last year when a judge revoked the parole of Jean-Marc Rouillan, a leader of Action Directe, a revolutionary group in the 1980s, who was serving life for murder. Mr Rouillan broke the terms of his release by giving an interview in which he backed Mr Besancenot and showed no remorse for the 1986 killing of the chairman of the Renault company. Mr Besancenot refused to disown Rouillan. (Sound like anyone else we know? - j)

His rise has turned him into a real threat to the socialists, still recovering from a bitter leadership feud. Their new leader, Martine Aubry, did not appreciate Mr Besancenot being seen as a protest figurehead in last week’s street demonstrations, said to be the biggest in 20 years, in which more than a million people marched against Mr Sarkozy’s handling of the economy.

Yesterday he dismissed the president’s recovery plan and warned of more protests: “Nicolas Sarkozy defends the interests of his class,” he told the newspaper Libération. “What worries the government is that the economic crisis of capitalism has not turned into general resignation. That explains the [government’s] U-turn over the school reform [which Mr Sarkozy dropped before Christmas after pupils demonstrated], out of fear of a youth explosion.”

There are suggestions that the president is using Mr Besancenot to divide the centre-Left much as former president François Mitterrand, who for years used the National Front to divide the Right.

Unions have complained that Mr Sarkozy is doing the same to them, demonising and therefore turning the media gaze on a small far-Left union called SUD, known to be close to Mr Besancenot. SUD were behind a wildcat strike last month at Saint Lazare, the capital’s second biggest train station, which left half a million commuters stranded.

There has been a recent whispering campaign that Mr Besancenot is far from working class, and has a rich girlfriend and bourgeois lifestyle. His girlfriend, a publishing executive, earns a good wage but the two live simply with their child.

However, he was not born into the proletariat but to a middle-class family in the Hauts-de-Seine areas, west of Paris, where Mr Sarkozy was raised.

His father is a physics teacher and his mother is a school psychologist. He has a degree in history from the University of Nanterre. He is a football and rap enthusiast.

Mr Besancenot claims to be just a spokesman for the NPA, but nobody is under any illusion that without him, the party would have struggled to get off the ground. It would certainly not have brought in such a young crowd of anti-bourgeois radical ecologists, anti-globalists, feminists and anti-consumers.

The NPA already claims almost 9,000 members — three times the amount the LCR could muster – spread over 400 “collectives” around the country.

As the provisional party title shows, Mr Besancenot has been careful to avoid labelling his movement, saying this week that it would take the best of “Trotskyism, Socialism, communism, libertarianism, Guevarism, or radical environmentalism.”

However, it will remain “revolutionary, in the modern sense of the word”.

That means doing away with “pseudo-democratic” institutions, including the Senate, and allowing most decisions to be taken by “the masses” — usually by referendum.

The monthly minimum wage will be increased to 1,500 euros (£1,300) and funded by siphoning profits from companies listed on Paris’ CAC 40 stock exchange. The state will “reappropriate large production means” leading to large-scale renationalisation. It will phase out nuclear energy and GM foods, while all illegal immigrants will receive papers and be allowed to vote.

His ideal political model would be one inspired by Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia or Zapatism in Mexico “where the majority decides to control and appropriate wealth”.

“The ideal society doesn’t exist. We assume our part of utopia because the (rest of) the Left doesn’t make us dream.”

But not everyone on the far-Left shares the dream. “Between the NPA and the LCR nothing’s changed,” said Gilles Suze, an LCR diehard and unionist. “We’re still waiting for May ’68. We’re dragging round the old anarchist dream of a prolonged general strike. It’s the same imbecilic line that doesn’t work.”
I hope you find it so boring when it comes for your check.

wow. more drama. it's coming for my check. oh noes!

there have been hardcore commies in france, italy, et cetera forever. even during the glorious reagan years. *giggle.* and the threat is more acute now because... oh, right, the muslim communist in the white house.

next perhaps you're going to post some sort of grave warning about my check being endangered by, let's see... civil war re-enactors?