Here's what happens when you're stoned


Staff member
You start questioning the strangest things, like why is the word for roads "roads", why couldn't it be "pajaboreekamustard", or what's the purpose in life. Perhaps you're set on the earth just to wander about aimlessly to satisfy God's sadistic desire to see people wander about aimlessly. Or maybe you were put here to get stoned and question why you were put here. :retard:

Why can't we all just get a bong? :trippy:
I guess it probably depends on the potency of the pot. I hear weak pot doesn't really do anything for you except make you forget why you were trying it in the first place.
[homer simpson] mmmm pot....*drool* [/homer simpson]

havent had any in years.....
I was only paranoid, really, one time. Was REALLY HIGH! Man, was Gallagher wrong!!

Man, If I keep telling you guys my secrets "Cleveland" is going to have to die.... so my kids dont dig this up in like ten years.... "Hey, Dad... Look what I found..."
The first time I smoked pot with my friends (and one of the few times) I was fine until on the elevator back up to my room some guy walked onto the elevator and I started laughing. It was so bad that by the time we got up to my floor I was on the floor practically crying from laughing so hard. To this day I'm still not sure what exactly was funny about the situation :shrug:.
Did he have toilet paper stuck to his shoe? Did he fart? Did he have a booger hanging out of his nose?
Nah, I think it was just the fact that he walked onto the elevator. Heh, not much makes sense when you are in an altered state of mind like that :D
fury said:
You start questioning the strangest things, like why is the word for roads "roads", why couldn't it be "pajaboreekamustard", or what's the purpose in life. Perhaps you're set on the earth just to wander about aimlessly to satisfy God's sadistic desire to see people wander about aimlessly. Or maybe you were put here to get stoned and question why you were put here. :retard:

Why can't we all just get a bong? :trippy:

Young man, I am going to have to have Uncle Sam and Uncle Gonz sit you down and have a long talk with you? Your Aunt Q told me you were well mannered and raised properly. Are you going to bring shame to Uncles Sam and Gonz, along with Aunt Q by turning into a drug fiend? The next thing you will be telling us is that you are having a gay affair with some guy name Ricco.
Spirit said:
I never get paranoid. Munchies... oh ya! What causes that, anyways?

i believe it has something to do with stimulating the appetite centers of your brain.

either that or it opens your mind so you can really appreciate the sheer delacacy that oreo cookies are. :D
The biggest change is that your laughter threashold goes through the floor - you can say to someone that is totally baked "Here's a joke..." and just make something up. They'll almost always fall over laughing hysterically and then wonder why later on. :D

Oh yeah... and then some people smoke for years and then one day they get a bit sick and from then on they can't smoke weed without getting ill. Weird... :sick: