hermit crabs


New Member
we got one...he was a gift. he is pretty cool. big sucker.
and the cool thing is that i still had a couple shells from when i went snorkling in the phillipines as a kid and they are around hermit crab size and one flat one is his water dish!
he is tan with a purple claw.
so...anyone ever have one before?

he is a purple pincher land crab. he fits cozily in the palm of my hand.
That's my kinda pet :)

Get bored of it, sling it on the bbq and hey presto! Delicious dinner :swing:
I had a rat once, he was a great little pet - far better than a hamster, gerbil or rabbit (been there done those too). Cage trained, he'd be out running around for hours and go back into his cage to do his thing...came when he was called, he was cool.

*pauses for a moment's silence in memory of Sid the Rat*
I never have but a neighbor did once and I had to feed t hem. I think she had about 6 of them. They are cool butmy cat would try to eat them and bring me a present.
Picked up one on the Gaspe coast last time I was down there. but I had no way of bringing it back safely, so I released it back into the wild.
The hermit crabs here don't get much bigger than a thumbnail.

I accidently boiled some after gathering shellfish to eat ... I thought they were the actual shellfish I gathered, but noooooooo ... they just inhabited the empty shell.
Never had a hermit crab, though I did have a small fiddler crab in my aquarium for a while. And painted turtles are good pets until they get so big that you have to feed them ground beef :p
this guy is not so exciting...he has barely moved all day...i think he might be moulting.

*hermit crab rule of thumb - if you think your crab is dead, don't throw him away for 2 weeks...he might be moulting.
Leslie said:
I had a rat once, he was a great little pet - far better than a hamster, gerbil or rabbit (been there done those too). Cage trained, he'd be out running around for hours and go back into his cage to do his thing...came when he was called, he was cool.

*pauses for a moment's silence in memory of Sid the Rat*
You know they leave pee-trails right? :D I had rats also, and they were adorable little things. :) Had their own personalities. One was a pea-addict, one thought he was houdini (one time we found him at the other end of the house, up on top of the curtain railing - no one knew HOW he had escaped...), and one was just a dumbie. I found that the males generally had more personality than the females, but the females were more affectionate. *sigh* I miss having rats.