He's baaaaaack, and the MSM is once again covering his ass.


Well-Known Member
The good Right Reverend Wright is back and just as insipidly stupid as ever. He made the most idiotic public statement one could ever make, revising history with impunity, and the MSM gave him a pass ... again.

Here is what the Right Reverend Wright had to say on December 7, 2008, Pearl Harbor Day:

"Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people."

And here is what the Chicago Tribune reported:

"Noting the date, Dec. 7, which marks the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Wright instead chose to focus on the thousands of Japanese civilians who died four years later when the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima."

Do the first quote and the second quote have anything at all in common?

I just love the way the press spins the facts to make them more palatable -- to themselves.
"Today is December 7th, the day that this government killed over 80,000 Japanese civilians at Hiroshima in 1941, two days before killing an additional 64,000 Japanese civilians at Nagasaki by dropping nuclear bombs on innocent people."

you got to love a dumbass.
THE MSM has never given Wright a pass and they didn't here either. That's a silly statement to make.

I do like how once again you made an illogical generalization by taling one quote from the Tribune (without a link to the article) and tried to make it represent the entire MSM. :thumbup:
Us regular folks (who may wear tennis shoes or an occasional python boot) consider this preacher Full of Shit, like most preachers are:
Grandad said, "You see a preacher leaving someone's house- he's picking his teeth with one hand and buttoning his fly with the other."
They are con-men, folks- the sooner we get rid of them, the better!
You want religion? Find it for yourself! You don't need no steenkin "GUIDE" to lead you to "That without precedent, that needs no evidence"
And another thing- why do all these candidates have to go great lengths to tell us what Great Christians they are?
Who gives a flying rat's ass what Church they are a member of?
Can you do the job or can't you? -that's all I need to know.
Get the freakin' job done and leave your Invisible Man or Woman out of yer goddamn campaign propaganda!
unfortunately, I'll have to agree.
Doesn't mean I have to shed the whole faith though.

You have every right to believe whatever you want, and practice your practices, and no one should harrass you about it!
Whatever it is, it's none of my business, as long as you're not hurting me and mine. It's called Freedom- but when preachers get into politics, there comes a great big crossroads- a throwback to why people left England and Spain, etc. to begin with!
politics have no place in Church.
If I hear politics, when I went to hear the word, I'm out quick.

That's one reason I am at odds with the southern baptist assoc.
Because we live in a christian theocracy, JTP. :shrug:

No we don't!
I grew up in a Southern Baptist environment and called "BULLSHIT" on them at an early age.
Religion is for dupes, who in their right mind could believe all those fairy stories, huh?
Try to have a sense of humor about it- yer guilty of BLASPHEMY
Try to make light of the obvious fact that the preacher is fucking all the widows (I know because I seen it!- aged 11)
Oh, wait- he was just "ministering" to them, right?
Back in the elementary school we called it what it elementary was- FUCKING!
Iffen the preacher does it, it's "ministering"
If you do it, it's a SIN- yeah?- right!
HawHawHaw- here's a salute to yer "religion" !!:aheadbng:
Wait ---- is that the same Chicago Tribune that has filed for bankruptcy?

The internet, and more specifically things like Craigslist, are killing a lot of newspapers. They're either going to have to adapt or they're going down.

Soon there will probably be less print versions and less paperboys if there aren't already. Saves a lot of paper I guess. *shrug*
You have every right to believe whatever you want, and practice your practices, and no one should harrass you about it!
Whatever it is, it's none of my business, as long as you're not hurting me and mine. It's called Freedom- but when preachers get into politics, there comes a great big crossroads- a throwback to why people left England and Spain, etc. to begin with!

I live buy tried values, and they just happen to coincide with the Christian
belief system. Which whether you like it or not, this country Was founded in,
at least in part.
Because we live in a christian theocracy, JTP. :shrug:

That idea is so un-American!
What was this country founded on?
and the FREEDOM from having some Monarch tell you to go to a certain church or believe in a certain Deity or get down on your freaking knees when the bells ring at whatever o' clock...
I thank God I'm an Atheist (a little humor there) and live in a country that can tolerate that-
I work with Christians, Jews and Muslims- there may be a budding Buddhist in the mix-who gives a damn what church they go to? That's their GODdamn bidness!