He's being modest...

That wreck was about 200 feet from my apartment, and I had to take a different way to work. I wondered why, so I grabbed a camera and went back to see what was up. That's what was up... and it turned out that a cop was involved in the wreck.

I'll have more stuff in Friday's edition... not sure when the web site will be updated though. Nothing in "sports update" currently has my byline on it yet, but that will change soon.
Inkara1 said:
That wreck was about 200 feet from my apartment, and I had to take a different way to work. I wondered why, so I grabbed a camera and went back to see what was up. That's what was up... and it turned out that a cop was involved in the wreck.

I'll have more stuff in Friday's edition... not sure when the web site will be updated though. Nothing in "sports update" currently has my byline on it yet, but that will change soon.

Well, since this is Wednesday's edition...and it's Wednesday...I'd gues...Friday :p
...except the editor does the web site updates, and I think he's going to be gone this Friday.
Glad to know the officer is okay. If there were no cars or people involved, it was most likely object fixation. Some riders have that problem... if you day-dream for just a second and your eyes get fixated on something, you'll most likely hit it.
:headbang: Would it be improper of me to leave ":headbang:" as a comment for this article?

Ok, I won't this time. I was going to say, this doesn't look very "sporty"
I wanted to leave a comment too...but apparently it's "just a caption" and I figured maybe comments on a caption would look suspicious.