Hey Canadians! -Budget 2006


Well-Known Member
:canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada:
Well...seems like there's a lot for everyone but there's some smoke and mirrors action as well.

GST goes down to 6% :D
Child support cheques $100/month per kid under 6 *I got two of'em :D
$3B/year extra towards the national debt. :)
More help to small business owners :)
$800M for health care over 5 years! :D
$13B more towards defence and military :)

Not too bad so far, and I just started reading the longer version.
She's still in a huff that the "Tory" hasn't done anything to justify all her pre-election bitching and moaning.
Leslie said:
I'm reserving judgement.

also known as, "I'm not gonna admit I'm wrong yet. I'm gonna wait, and wait, and wait, until he eventually does something unpopular, and then rant about that, totally ignoring any and all good he might have done before that. A la Americans. Harper also eats babies"

That about cover it, Les?
no...lately I think you don't know me too good after all.

I vote Conservative provincially. I said that I don't think Harper can do too much damage as things stand. I don't like war, that was my one and only real concern with him, previous tongue in cheek gakking notwithstanding,. I am afraid he will take (or try to) us there, but this thread is about the budget, and I don't see war happening anytime soon.

I don't have much respect for him as a person, but I don't think he's gonna hurt very much. It was a bland budget, he's bland, nothing really in there for me either way at the moment.

Therefore, I'm apathetic.
Hell yeah!
European junkies have directly benefited
from our invasion of Afghanistan!
OK the Afghani poppie farmers too.

mebbe them Afghani gurls that
got a lil wimen's lib action too?
It was so much quieter when you could beat your woman in public & keep her uneducated & in the house. MORE TALIBAN IDEALISM!!!!