hey douche bag!


New Member
so i was just wondering, while doing something completely unrelated, what in the heck is a douche bag? either some male contrivance or an antiquated article of female hygeine? these things no longer come in "bags". when did they come in "bags"? it's a thin plastic bottle with screw on top. none of these articles are referred to as a bag in the product directions or description.
i was intrigued...but the horror at the thought of calling my mother and asking her was only trumped by the horror of a google search.
so...does anyone know?
"an antiquated article of female hygiene"


The terms douche bag and douche for short are also popular derogatory terms of insult or ridicule.
These terms can mean a variety of different insults,
Someone who is annoying, bossy or embarrassing.
Someone who is stupid, intellectually challenged or mentally deranged but less than clinically insane.
Someone who is unintelligently lying or scamming.
Someone who is arrogant, elitist or snobby.
so was it like a refillable article that one kept about like a hot water bottle or somthing?
i know the term as a derogatory term, my curiousity lay in the origions and their accuracy. thanks btw.
Spouse says "Yes, it is an antiquated feminine hygiene device, much like a hot water bottle with a nozzle". I had no fucking idea.

If you ever needed proof that we liked you, here ya go. There's no other way she'd have let me type this.
So instead of "douche bag" do we now use "dick"? Both expel liquid into a woman's nether-regions, after all.
Excessive douching or improperly prepared
douche solution, will upset the delicate PH
balance of the beloved nether regions.
Inkara1 said:
So instead of "douche bag" do we now use "dick"? Both expel liquid into a woman's nether-regions, after all.

Yeah, and it's also warm :D
tonksy said:
does anyone know?

It's that thing your grandma called a "hot-water bottle." Didn't you ever wonder why the cap screws on? Never saw the attachments, either, huh? So in other words, it's not "like the hot water bottle," it is the hot water bottle.

Note that getting your ass whipped with the hose is no fun.
Winky said:
Excessive douching or improperly prepared
douche solution, will upset the delicate PH
balance of the beloved nether regions.

This is true.....had my gyno told me before that a woman should not really douche, unless she has more than one sexual partner, and even then she should use vinegar & water douches. That is why a woman menstruates, it naturally cleanses her body.
take your pick

I am told that before we had the plastic disposable bottles, it was a cloth like sack that held water and minty scented stuff. Maybe it was that plant that koala bears eat, I dunno. Anyway, that is what women uesd and some men even used in thier bums to get cleaned out. SO I guess it had two uses? Yuck. Thank goodness for technology. I know of some hippies that still use the rubbery ones so that the landfills don't get filled up. Personally, when it comes to that, I think I prefer putting a few extra bottles in there.
Why the fuck would you want to 'douche' the privates? The vaginal discharge does that cleaning for you. If'ns yas gonna put water up there, all it's gonna do is upset the pH balance and make you more susceptible to gettin' stuff. It's the exterior region that you need to worry about keepin' clean.
and don't fergit to pee right after sex and you'll
nevah git them urinary infarctions
(that’s fer the wimen’s
as tolded to me Wife by a fleamale Gyno)