Hey, Gonz!

unclehobart said:
How about the 700$ in smokes? ...or did that change go into other habits to compensate?

Yepper! After 6 months, that WAS the good part. In another 6, when your sense of smell returns, that'll be another boost.

My sense of taste STILL hasn't come fully back.

Congrats on the first six, man. Those do, indeed, rank up there with torture.
tonksy said:
the good part is that you smell alot nicer and you can probably breathe alot easier ;)

I don't know & no. Thanks though :D

The money saved is just going into other bills. Haven't seen much of it.

Actually HomeLAN, after the initial bitching & moaning I did, it's been a breeze. I could happily start again tomorrow but won't until they quit charging consumers with paying the state fines.

The biggest pisser: I gave up Pepsi at the same time. Went from 6-8 a day to 1 or none. Took up Chamomille Tea with honey-half (or less) the calories. Not one shred of increase in my food intake. Aproximately 750 calories less per day & I gained 35+lbs. So not only am I old, I'm now fat :mad:
A few dietary tricks ... and a little exercise should correct that metabolism imbalance and getcha back to where you belong.
I hear sex burns 1,800 calories an hour. Mention this to your wife. :D

If she doesn't want to help, logic would show that masturbation would burn 900 calories an hour, which is quite a bit itself.
It's been so long since I smoked I cannot remember the date I quit. Suffice to say it's been years and I definately feel the difference in my lungs and my wallet.
Okay, so whats the secret to giving up? I am a smoker of 16 years, tried to quit, done all the patches etc that are out there, have the willpower, just maybe not enough?
Enlighten me please............
And still a little boy waits
Inkara1 said:
I hear sex burns 1,800 calories an hour. Mention this to your wife. :D
can we expound on this? linkage, perhaps? after all...some people are more exuberant in their activities than others...who is burning this amount of calories? i just can't buy that it burns 1,800 calories an hour across the board....you know?
I heard it during wrestling practice one day. I only run with it because it makes sense, with an "I hear" tacked on to show it's not a confirmed fact. I'll see if I can find linkage.
Hmm, doing the math from the table at this site shows that sex only burns 354 calories an hour for someone weighing 180-200 pounds. Meanwhile, walking at 4 mph burns 408 calories an hour and heavy snow shoveling burns 1,230 an hour.

I'm surprised sex burns that few calories, since it gets the heart really pumping and uses muscles that walking sure doesn't.
Inkara1 said:
Hmm, doing the math from the table at this site shows that sex only burns 354 calories an hour for someone weighing 180-200 pounds. Meanwhile, walking at 4 mph burns 408 calories an hour and heavy snow shoveling burns 1,230 an hour.

I'm surprised sex burns that few calories, since it gets the heart really pumping and uses muscles that walking sure doesn't.
i still say it's an individualized thing. some people just are more...physical? in that department...anyway, it's obviously not a viable plan for weightloss :shrug:
Inkara1 said:
Hmm, doing the math from the table at this site
I'm surprised sex burns that few calories, since it gets the heart really pumping and uses muscles that walking sure doesn't.
I was told by a jogging instructor that high heart bpm doesn't really help. When running i.e. It's better to keep your bpm below 160, otherwise the effects are almost null...