Hey! He says hi!


<b>mod cow</b>
Psycho that is! :headbang:

He's here allright....:eek:

Yes, and I am too. Oh, this is my house, I SHOULD be! &lt;/mindless blah&gt;

Below: us. Dial-up users: Muahahahaha! :D


weeners.jpg, 112.99kb

*jumps into pic and Scanty jumps out* *grabs Shadowfax and runs off into the closet*
Your bro has an Ed Norton-esque look about him. Dunno whether that is a good thing or not. Is he bisexual?
insert penis here said:
Is he bisexual?

No, he is not. He is 105% straight. I look like shit on the webcam shot though, don't know what caused it, maybe I shouldn't be looking so damn happy... I have only one comment:

IT'S ALL SHADOWFAX'S FAULT! He was acting stupid so I just had to join in :headbang:
As if I am looking great in that picture :rolleyes:

Geez, we're both look wacko there. Maybe we just are insane...:D
Stop Laughing said:
I'm glad I'm not or else I wouldn't do this:

*grabs Scanty and runs off into same closet as Nixy, pushing Shadowfax out* :ladysman:

*pushes nix and scanty out*
move over young'uns ... :D