Does it matter? They're both based on truth.a generalization, or stereotype?
I am just tired of the old Mulsim = Terrorist equation. It is counter productive, and hurtful to the efforts of stopping terrorism.
When we have red-headed Scots blowing airliners up & kidnapping journalists & forcing them to convert to whatever their cause is, we should bash them. When middleaged white guys with long hair are murdering women & children, I'll stand in the you're fucked line, bitch about how much it sucks & still go through hoops, understanding why. I won't go on TV & whine how it's unfair.
The way to stop terrorism is the way to stop naziism. Beat them to a bloody pulp & after they call uncle, hit them a few more times, just for good measure. The point is to beat them, not to smack them, step back & wait for an apology while they catch their breath only to hav eto do it again & again & again & again.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but virtually every terrorist is muslim. The one exception, well, he won't be bothering you anymore. WE KILLED HIM.