Hey, Koffee

a generalization, or stereotype?
Does it matter? They're both based on truth.

I am just tired of the old Mulsim = Terrorist equation. It is counter productive, and hurtful to the efforts of stopping terrorism.

When we have red-headed Scots blowing airliners up & kidnapping journalists & forcing them to convert to whatever their cause is, we should bash them. When middleaged white guys with long hair are murdering women & children, I'll stand in the you're fucked line, bitch about how much it sucks & still go through hoops, understanding why. I won't go on TV & whine how it's unfair.

The way to stop terrorism is the way to stop naziism. Beat them to a bloody pulp & after they call uncle, hit them a few more times, just for good measure. The point is to beat them, not to smack them, step back & wait for an apology while they catch their breath only to hav eto do it again & again & again & again.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but virtually every terrorist is muslim. The one exception, well, he won't be bothering you anymore. WE KILLED HIM.
Does it matter? They're both based on truth.

When we have red-headed Scots blowing airliners up & kidnapping journalists & forcing them to convert to whatever their cause is, we should bash them. When middleaged white guys with long hair are murdering women & children, I'll stand in the you're fucked line, bitch about how much it sucks & still go through hoops, understanding why. I won't go on TV & whine how it's unfair.

The way to stop terrorism is the way to stop naziism. Beat them to a bloody pulp & after they call uncle, hit them a few more times, just for good measure. The point is to beat them, not to smack them, step back & wait for an apology while they catch their breath only to hav eto do it again & again & again & again.

Not all Muslims are terrorists but virtually every terrorist is muslim. The one exception, well, he won't be bothering you anymore. WE KILLED HIM.

don't know about red headed scots, but what about red headed Irish?

And based on truth? no they are based in racist propaganda.

When middleaged white guys with long hair are murdering women & children

well that is the general hallmark of a serial killer, should be bash them?

The way to stop terrorism is the way to stop naziism. Beat them to a bloody pulp & after they call uncle, hit them a few more times, just for good measure. The point is to beat them, not to smack them, step back & wait for an apology while they catch their breath only to hav eto do it again & again & again & again.

that IS the way to beat terrorism...sorta, but you gotta make sure the people you are killing ARE terrorist. You have to target the terrorists, or you ARE the terrorists.

The way to beat naziism was to wage a world war, because we knew where the nazis where, and they wore uniforms and fought in traditional ways.

the way to bring naziism back is to lumo one group of people together and say they are evil, and try to exterminate them, the way to start such a movement would be using generalization and stereotypes to make the general population hate them so their deaths would be palitable.
because we knew where the nazis where, and they wore uniforms and fought in traditional ways.

Did you ever see a picture of Munich, circa 1945? We bombed everything & everybody. That's how wars are won.

paul said:
and try to exterminate them
Just as soon as we begin random killing of Muslims, let me know.
Did you ever see a picture of Munich, circa 1945? We bombed everything & everybody. That's how wars are won.

Britain bombed.

and no, while that was standard practice warfare at the time, it did nothing to hasten the end of the war, the only bombing on civilian targets that did anything to speed up the end of the war was the use of the atomic bomb.
Just as soon as we begin random killing of Muslims, let me know.

It's not the random killings you have to worry about, it's the organized ones.

Random killing of muslims happen now, during many armed conflicts, some are killed in a crossfire, some are shot because they where mis-identified, some where tortured to death.

when the organized killings start, don't you worry, I will let you know.
Oh man, you need to re-read your military manuals.

Bombing munich neither cut off food supplies not fuel supplies from the armies in the various fronts.

It's wanted effect of demoralization backfired making conscriped soldiers into true fighters for the cause.

I need to re-read nothing.
Britain bombed.

and no, while that was standard practice warfare at the time, it did nothing to hasten the end of the war, the only bombing on civilian targets that did anything to speed up the end of the war was the use of the atomic bomb.

You could say that the axis bombing of britain sped the end of the war considerably. If they hadn't done that, their opposition would have been halved.
Britain bombed.

and no, while that was standard practice warfare at the time, it did nothing to hasten the end of the war, the only bombing on civilian targets that did anything to speed up the end of the war was the use of the atomic bomb.

So did the US, and Canada. As for your false statement about bombing...:rofl4: Carpet bombing is what caused most of the surrendering in every war it's been used...civilian targets or not. You need to take a peek at history before you spout off such nonsense.
Breaks their infrastructure, breaks their spirit, breaks their will to fight. Had family on board planes dropping bombs over German targets.
You could say that the axis bombing of britain sped the end of the war considerably. If they hadn't done that, their opposition would have been halved.

The axis bombing of Britain was a dismal failure because they never took out the RADAR installations on the coast. This allowed Britain to last until the Japanese drew the US into the war.
Breaks their infrastructure, breaks their spirit, breaks their will to fight. Had family on board planes dropping bombs over German targets.

I had family evacuated from, and living in Glasgow at the time of the bombings. Funny how the history books talk about the bombing of London and forget the major shipyards up the Clyde that got pounded.