Hey Ku'u, Nalani - suggestions needed pls.


Well-Known Member
I'm going somewhere for the end of April with MrsBish. Seems that some of the Hawaiian islands are less expensive than I originally thought.

Any suggestions? We're looking a beach, an ocean to swin in and possibly scuba-dive in, decent dining and relaxation. Hopefully, not too touristy, ya know?

Thanks for any info :D
unclehobart said:
How about going to Hilo? :D I'm sure that you can find a myriad of sponsors to show you about.

"Hon,lets take a romantic trip to Hawaii and I know this Hawaiian dancer who will show us about"
Waikiki, Oahu is the main tourist trap ... with white sand beaches, resorts, fine dining, the works. But mostly only tourist hang out there.

If you wanna venture off-island, you'll probably see more of the "real" Hawaii. Some suggestions:

Hawaii island: This is where me & na are. We're on the east side. The west side has more of the white sand beaches & tourists favor that side as its sunnier. Our side doesn't have white sand beaches & it rains more. This island also has the only active volcano in the archepelago & we could be tour guides for you :D

Maui: Go to Lahaina. My family lives there. Beautiful white sand beaches, hot-as-hell weather, lovely resorts that cater to your whim. The works. Oh, and this is a prime whale-watching destination.

That's it for the outer islands. I wouldn't suggest the others, only because they don't really cater to tourist, just small town stuff.
Don't forget about that spot that you can only get to by helicopter. Better yet, don't tell him. We'll keep it our secret for my wedding. :D
Professur said:
Tax return, Bish?
Yup..plus a wee bit of money put aside. It'll be our first vacation alone in years and our first trip to any warm location ever.

JAg gets to stay with my inlaws for a week while we work on a brother or sister :D
so, shall i clear my calendar for the end of april?
we can make our own mini-barbecue :headbang:

if you decide to come to this island, woo-hoo, i'm here already.
if you decide to stay on oahu, woo-hoo, my parents have a house there.
if you decide to go to maui, woo-hoo, my brother has a house there.
That'd be fantastic Ku'u! Still have to make sure that we can afford it. One of our Airline companies went belly-up last night at midnight, stranding hundreds of passengers. The competition will surely take advantage of this :(
Professur said:
Sure pays to buy those tickets early, don't it?
You rolls de dice an you takes y'r chances!

The difference between booking 3 weeks in advance and 3 days in advance s usually on the order of $1000/person. I can't afford to be conservative with my bookings.
sorry, Bish .. didn't see your post :D

I ditto everything ku'u said ... make sure you let us know though, so we can work you into out calendars ;) we are, afterall, very busy and important :D
nalani said:
sorry, Bish .. didn't see your post :D

I ditto everything ku'u said ... make sure you let us know though, so we can work you into out calendars ;) we are, afterall, very busy and important :D
Thanks Na! Some of it is still up in the air...hopefully, we'll nail it down soonest.