Hey Les


I was sitting here wondering if I could vacuum seal it but I'm sure vacuum sealing won't work for hard things...I could probably vacuum seal your couch though...

I bought vacuum seal bags today to pack my stuff for the move, I can't wait to try them!
We have a few of them, but not that big. I've never seen a mug that big in person.
It's not actually a mug Les, there's actually a warning about how you shouldn't use it as a mug...
... yet it has the classic mug sipping lid with the little thumb cover slide.

The only problem I can think of is that the lid would get loose with either the weight or the heat of the coffee and pop off... dumping about a kilo of reasonably hot joe all over ya.
... yet it has the classic mug sipping lid with the little thumb cover slide.

The only problem I can think of is that the lid would get loose with either the weight or the heat of the coffee and pop off... dumping about a kilo of reasonably hot joe all over ya.

Oh yeah, the warning is to purely save their ass when some idiot dumps his whole litre of coffee all over himself.