Hey Mr. Baghdad


Staff member
How was it over there today? Yesterday? Whenever it was for you? Or are you not allowed to say?
Leslie said:
How was it over there today? Yesterday? Whenever it was for you? Or are you not allowed to say?

Quiet and peaceful where I'm at...except for the drone of C-130's, C-17's, and C-5's. The stuff you see on the news isn't as widespread, or continual, as they'd have you believe. Even the RCAF folks here are relaxed...
That`s good. The appearance here if you weren`t paying attention on some news bits was of all hell breaking loose.
Gotta love the media. :rolleyes: Like I said in another thread, I get access to the same media content they do, but they always pick the stories that support their personal view of a war going badly. Someone asked why the troops are frustrated, and picked the same kind of news, thereby proving my point. The troops aren't as frustrated as the media would like the public to believe. They just like to concentrate on things that do frustrate the troops. There's murder, kidnappings, and outright violence at home, too...much more than here, so why all the gloom and doom?
The media won Vietnam & they're doing their damnedest to win Iraq.
Cache discovered in soccer field, five detained during joint search operation

BALAD, Iraq – Five suspected insurgents were detained and a cache was discovered in a soccer field during a joint search operation March 17, conducted in an effort to decrease and interrupt insurgent activity.

Soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division and 1-8 Combined Arms Battalion, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Task Force Band of Brothers, cordoned off a large area suspected of insurgent activity.

Two of the five locations searched produced results. At one of the two locations, four suspected insurgents were detained. At the second location, a nearby soccer field, a cache was discovered and the fifth suspected insurgent was detained.

Stashed in the field was: one Soviet .50 caliber rifle, one Soviet anti-aircraft gun, one AK-47, one PKC machine gun, four rocket-propelled grenade launchers, six RPG rounds, 28 mortars, seven rockets, 100 pounds of C4 explosive, six hand grenades, two mines and other IED making materials.

The five detainees were taken to a secured location for further questioning.
So... Bagdad Bob? you gonna be able to reveal yer location after you exit the country yer not supposed to be in?
Winky said:
So... Bagdad Bob? you gonna be able to reveal yer location after you exit the country yer not supposed to be in?

When are you going to succeed from the union and allow the rest of the free thinking Americans alone?
Winky said:
So... Bagdad Bob? you gonna be able to reveal yer location after you exit the country yer not supposed to be in?

I already said I was in Baghdad. :confused: