hey nalani ...

MitchSchaft said:
:coffee: You're mean.

we may be mean ... but we're very very good :brow:

ku'u - I was just thinking that myself ... *thinking harder* ... we were on the couch ... and laughing .. and you said "we'll have something to post tomorrow" ... *thinking*

oh .. that's what we were gonna post about .. the Krispy Kremes announcement that they're coming to Hawai'i :D
*following train of thought*

We were watching American Idol, then Friends, then Everybody Loves Raymond, then the news, ...
on the news, they were talking about KRISPY KREMES opening stores in Hawai'i ... me and ku'u sat up in the couch, told her sister to be quiet, and salivated at the television screen ... ku'u's sister said "they're just donuts" and me and ku'u just about had a cow! We were like "nuh uh! they're not just donuts! They're Krispy Kremes!] You just won't understand til you've had one"


WOOHOO!!! *singing* Krispy Kremes are coming .. to town ..
*doing a Krispy Kreme dance*

*chanting mantra*
Krispy Kreme is coming to Hawaii. Krispy Kreme is coming to Hawaii. We are now officially moving into civilization :D
*shakes Mitch to wake him up from his dream*

unless you're a cowboy named Scott, you're not the one my mouth is watering for ;)

kuulani said:
*doing a Krispy Kreme dance*

*chanting mantra*
Krispy Kreme is coming to Hawaii. Krispy Kreme is coming to Hawaii. We are now officially moving into civilization :D

You two do realize this is but another attempt to make you more dependent of the United States, Right?
PuterTutor said:
You two do realize this is but another attempt to make you more dependent of the United States, Right?

actually, yes, we do realize that .. but see, this is our stand ... we're going to consume the Krispy Kremes without needing them, therefore proving that we don't need them ... the best of both worlds .. *nod*

are there other countries where one can find Krispy Kremes? Anyone? les - what about Canada?