hey nalani ...

They melt in your mouth. Seriously, you just take one bite and let it melt, it's so good, especially when they're just freshly made. :trippy: :) I guess I'll have to use pizza instead of Kripy Kremes to taunt you two with from now on then. :D
Not available in Western Canada,but Eastern Canada where Les is from they might be,we're a little behind the times here.
Mmmm.... Krispy Kremes... A store opened just recently one little block from my office. And they are absolutely the best when they are fresh out of the oven. Mmmm...

*wipes drool off the keyboard*
see? Those of us that have experienced the sacredness of the Krispy Kreme know its value ... *mouth waters again*

MitchSchaft said:
as a matter of fact, one of my co-workers brought in a big box of them this past Monday.


*feels like there's a bunch of salt in my open wound*


put one in your mouth .. slowly ... don't bite down .. just nibble ... let it roll over your tongue ... be gentle ... tell me .. what it's like ...

*gets tingly*

kuulani said:
*drooling over donuts*

How sick am I if I fly over to Oahu just for donuts? :headbang:

you'd be sick ... but I wouldn't stop you :D

OOOHH!!!! I have a one-way coupon on Hawaiian Air!!!!! How sick would I be if I offered it to you so you could go get us donuts?

nalani said:
I have a one-way coupon on Hawaiian Air!!!!! How sick would I be if I offered it to you so you could go get us donuts?


One-way? Then I'd be there with no way back. I'd be forced to eat all the donuts by myself :headbang: