Hey Postcode, do you know where your wife is?


Staff member
cause I had a dream last night that she killed someone...and then you stopped coming around the boards cause you were always in court with her and stuff...and everyone was wondering who would judge the casebadge contest...and a lot of people were asking why YOU stopped visiting when it was HER that commited murder...

I think someone slipped some crack into the water I drank before bed...:lloyd:

hehehe it finally worked, ive been dropping it in your drinks for weeks now.
Nixy said:
cause I had a dream last night that she killed someone...and then you stopped coming around the boards cause you were always in court with her and stuff...and everyone was wondering who would judge the casebadge contest...and a lot of people were asking why YOU stopped visiting when it was HER that commited murder...

I think someone slipped some crack into the water I drank before bed...:lloyd:

Well, I didn't slip any crack into your drink, but I copped a feel of your crack while you were taking a drink. :brow: